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Internet Alliance Malaysia on Cabotage Policy

This article is 3 years old

Internet Alliance Malaysia has a collective voice from the members that expressed their concerns on the cabotage policy that has been spurred on the media since last week. As a nonprofit organization for tech and digital service provider, many parties and stakeholders shared their strong and unambiguous view on the matter.

Submarine cable is one of the critical components in connectivity and digital eco system. Malaysia loses out to neighboring countries in digital infrastructure mainly due to an incomplete eco system i.e., policies, cable system, services etc. To achieve Malaysia MyDigital blueprint, it is vital to have a good digital infrastructure eco system. The cabotage policy has weakened Malaysia’s attraction for foreign investment in building up our digital infrastructure.

It is important for tech giants to be present in the local digital arena as they are the windmills and catalyst that propel the growth of Malaysia digital eco system. The justification for cabotage policy should not be based on business alone. Malaysia should focus on achieving the initial blueprint to benefit the people and make sacrifice for minor business gain in submarine cable repair.

With the topic that has been politicized with many added sentiments, it is practical for all parties to come to the discussion table and work out a solution that everyone will be happy with. It is a blessing that our Prime Minister has announced a cross-ministries committee to make decision. It is an indication that he wishes to involve more opinions into the solution.

On behalf of all the data center and internet provider, Internet Alliance Malaysia would like to see the outcome from the discussion in the hope that a compromised solution will be developed which will address the concern of all parties and protect the dynamics of our tech and internet services without causing ripple effect.

Please contact the Community Manager of Internet Alliance Malaysia, Zetty Shazlin at [email protected] for further information.