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Digi awarded as The Fastest and Most Consistent Mobile Network

This article is 3 years old

Digi Telecommunications, one of Malaysia’s largest mobile service providers has marked another momentous landmark as they have been awarded the fastest and most consistent mobile network by various independent third-party network benchmarking reports from the first half of 2020 to recent quarters. Being awarded the following honours does not only establish Digi as a leader in the telecommunications industry by various credible and valid sources but these honours further cement Digi’s commitment to connecting customers to what matters most - providing consistently dependable service to those who need it.

Digi’s excellent awarded services can be measured by the following six criteria:

Download Speed Experience

In a Mobile Network Experience Report conducted by an independent third party from December 2020 to February 2021, data shows that Digi had obtained the #1 spot in downloading speed. Digi network users have had their download speed increased by 2.8 Mbps (26.1%) which has brought Digi to a lead of 1.4 Mbps.

When the study was conducted once more from June to August 2021, Digi has yet again managed to secure the lead spot in Download Speed Experience as their users continue to experience the fastest download speed overall. This brings comfort to Digi users because they can be certain that with Digi, having to wait an excruciatingly long time for their files to download will not be an issue that they would have to face, thus saving much of their valuable time, worry and stress.

Video Experience

In terms of video viewing experience from December 2020 to February 2021, Digi again comes up top as it was placed #1 in seven regions (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Penang, Sabah, Selangor and Terengganu) while having joint #1 placements in the remaining eight regions. Regional analysis further confirmed that Digi users enjoyed very good video experience in five regions and good video experience in the 10 remaining regions. This is especially relevant with the rise of online video platforms and streaming such as TikTok, Netflix, Disney+ and more. Viewers expect a smooth, undisrupted video watching experience in high-quality definition and Digi clearly proves that they are more than up to the task.

Building upon this achievement, from June to August 2021, Digi gained additional momentum by coming up at #1 in eight states (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Penang, Sarawak, Terengganu, KL, Selangor) and Putrajaya in terms of viewing experience.

Fastest Mobile Network

In the third and fourth quarters of 2020, Digi was announced to have the highest speed scores among Malaysia’s mobile service providers with a speed score of 29.36 Mbps and was subsequently awarded the 2020 Speedtest Award by OOKLA. When tested once again for speed in Quarter Two of 2021, results revealed Digi was yet again the fastest mobile operator with the highest speed scores of 30.20 Mbps.

With the internet now being as integral as it is to every sector of life such as businesses, education and personal use, having the fastest mobile network is key for operations to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible especially when heavy workloads are being utilized. With the faster network, there would be less time spent waiting and productivity rates would henceforth increase.

Group Video Calling

During the period of Covid restriction lockdowns, it was evident that group video callings had increased tremendously as communities wanted to reach out and connect with their loved ones, and Digi is again at the forefront leading in the group video calling experience based on a report on The State of Group Video Calling.

Hence, with Digi, even though we may be socially distanced or geographically separated from one another, there is no need to feel socially isolated or excluded as Digi provides their users with clear, effortless means of connection that bridges our divide while reducing our loneliness while supporting multiple users in one call.

Download Throughput

Download Throughput, which is the amount of data that is successfully sent and received over a communication link, has Digi taking the top spot with a total of 10.6 Mbps Median download speed.

What this means is that with higher download throughput, Digi customers benefit from faster performance and responsiveness from their network, a higher capacity to upload and download data, the ability to easily multitask while running multiple programmes and applications at the same time, and experience lesser amounts of crashes and busy signals. The advantages that a higher throughput provides would definitely bring upon fewer feelings of frustration and higher satisfaction among their users.

Highest Consistency

One of the most important criteria that needs to be met by service providers is consistency. With strong consistency, users will be able to experience uninterrupted and seamless high standard internet usage with reliable and dependable internet speed. This is even more pertinent in the current society with everyone taking part in streaming, video conferencing, and mission-critical services whereby even a momentary lapse in network connection could lead to vast consequences.

Thus, experiencing consistent speed and service is an excellent measure of a service provider and throughout the year 2020, Digi has met the standards of having the highest consistency scores with 85.9% of results showcasing at least a 5Mbps minimum download speed and 1Mbps minimum upload speed for Quarter one and Quarter two and an increase to 88.6% of results showing at least a 5Mbps minimum download speed for Quarter three and four. This distinction unmistakably confirms that Digi has been consistently reliable to their customers throughout the year, providing them with internet and service and they can continuously count on.

Furthermore, with the inception of the MCO in March 2020, Digi has encountered a constant, steady increase in network data usage with each quarter. From a monthly data usage of 14.5GB per user for Quarter 1 2020 to 21.4 GB per user in Quarter 2 2021. However, despite the steady increase in data usage quarter over quarter, Digi has still been able to meet the demands of providing consistent quality digital connectivity to all of their customers. This can clearly be seen by the new sites as well as the upgrading and modernisation of existing sites with the latest tech to boost capacity and improve both outdoor and indoor coverage. Digi has also been constantly working to maintain connectivity across the country by progressively expanding the coverage of their network. Additionally, one of Digi’s current immediate focuses is to migrate Digi 3G customers to 4G (The latest statistics can be obtained from the upcoming JENDELA 4th quarterly report on Oct 8)

For more information on the best deals and services provided by Digi, please visit:

This content is provided by Digi Malaysia.

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