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Is mass communication a suitable career for you?

This article is 2 years old

Media permeates our daily lives. There is something for everyone from watching the news, movies or listening to the radio. All of these activities are examples of mass communication.

In today’s digital world, this field has become a popular choice for students planning to continue their tertiary studies.

However, some are still skeptical about whether mass communication is a suitable career pathway.

So, let’s look at this exciting sector and how it can be the best choice you make for your future.

Image above by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What is mass communication?

The term “mass communication” refers to disseminating information to as many individuals as feasible at the same time. 

Mass communication has long been a feature of the human world, from folk music and dances.

With time, media has evolved significantly from a public communication medium to a global platform for social communication where people can freely express themselves.

It now entails news, entertainment, branding, knowledge, and guidance disseminated through newspapers, magazines, television, radio, ads, and online media.

What are the 4 types of mass communication?

Mass communication can be divided into four types:

Print media
Print media is a type of advertising that reaches out to consumers, company customers, and prospects through traditional means. 

It enables you to present your business, products, ideas and messages in various formats. The following are some of the most effective types of print media:

  • Newspapers

  • Magazines

  • Brochures 

  • Direct mail

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Even though we mainly rely on digital means to promote our business these days, print media is still equally prominent.

People, even now, enjoy reading the newspaper and tackling sudoku puzzles. The public still hasn’t lost their affection for reading in an age when hour-long episodes of Netflix series are readily available. 

Additionally, print media advertising is frequently sent to specific geographic areas and can be quite targeted. Newspapers, for example, are an excellent way to target elderly groups that may be less responsive to internet ads.

Outdoor media 

Outdoor advertising, often known as out-of-home advertising, refers to marketing outside to attract people’s attention. 

This type of ad frequently relies on its environment to make a point or to have a more substantial effect on the audience.

A billboard for a movie on the side of the road, for example, will differ from an advertisement for the same picture on the side of a bus.

Because the most effective ads reflect the imagination, outdoor is undoubtedly the most imaginative canvas for advertising. 

This type of mass communication is all about seeing things in a different light and assisting your audience in doing so.

Digital media

Digital media have altered the whole mass communication sector. It is the new means of information communication. 

For the past two decades, it has been the most effective mass media instrument. 

Because it is the most systematic and cost-effective kind of media, it has enabled businesses to advertise their content on internet platforms more affordably.

Access to posting content on digital media isn’t confined – anyone who has an internet connection can do so. As such, it has produced totally new professions. For example, people can stream their daily life on websites like Twitch and earn from it when someone subscribes to their channel to watch their content. 

Moreover, thanks to digital media, anyone can also use readily available technology like cellphones and open-source coding to film their own shows or videos at a low cost.

Broadcast media

Broadcast media, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and digital media, involves electronically and concurrently broadcasting information containing signals, print messages, and audio or video material to a large group of recipients. It can be live or recorded.

In this digital age, this media may appear old-fashioned. However, it plays an essential role in bringing ideas, products, services, news, and information to a large audience.

Because of its wide reach, particularly in advertising, many larger companies with ample resources continue to use it as their primary sales tool. 

For example, Audi bought 60-second ad space during the Super Bowl to promote gender pay equity in 2015. These special event advertisements are memorable, providing maximum exposure and establishing strong brand recognition for the goods and services.

Mass communication example

Here are some examples of mass communication in our daily lives:

  • Movies 

  • Books 

  • Social media 

  • Photography 

  • Advertising

  • Journalism 

  • Public relations 

  • Internet 

  • Radio 

  • Television

Is mass communication a good course?

Yes, mass communication is an excellent option to consider once you have completed high school, as it has various advantages. 

Here are a few benefits of studying mass communication:

Offers various career alternatives

With a certificate in mass communication, you can work in various sectors, such as journalism or marketing. 

Because the world heavily relies on the media, you have many options to make a decent living. 

Gain transferable skills

The abilities you learn in mass communications can be used in various jobs. Problem-solving, communicating, writing, and speaking are all skills that can help you advance in any career related to mass communication.

Diverse learning

This course prepares students to explore various locations, discover the world through the eyes of a journalist or filmmaker, and cover a variety of events and stories. 

It also allows students to utilise their creative abilities to their best potential. There is no specific manner of working on this turf, allowing students to experiment and develop their working style and interests.

Study mass communication

If you’re interested in advertising, journalism, marketing, event planning, or broadcasting, mass communication may be the course for you.

The first step you can take is to enrol yourself in the diploma program. This will usually last for about two and a half years.

The next step is to pursue a degree in mass communication. Degree courses are typically three years, but if you get into this program after completing a diploma in mass communication, you may graduate in 2 years.

Mass communication diploma

Diploma in Mass Communication programs have curriculums designed to meet the changing needs of industry and technology. 

Here, students are taught to critically comprehend and examine the function and fundamentals of mass communication in society.

They will be exposed to the various fields that make up mass comm through a diverse course outline. 

This gives students the opportunity to try a little from each area before making up their minds on what they would like to specialise in for their degree.

Here’s a general requirement you have to meet if you want to enrol yourself in this diploma program:

  • SPM/GCE O Levels: Min. 3 Credits inclusive of a Credit in English

  • UEC: Min. 3 Credits inclusive of a Credit in English

Mass communication degree

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A mass comm degree prepares students for a future in the media sector by offering options they can specialise in. 

Here are some examples of mass communication degrees you can choose from:

You must complete a pre-university program and meet the entry criteria to pursue a Mass Communication degree, which are:

  • STPM: 2 Principal Passes of a Credit in English at SPM level

  • GCE A Levels: 2 Principal Passes

  • UEC: 5 Credits (5Bs) inclusive of a Credit in English

  • Diploma: Pass with min. CGPA of 2.00

  • Foundation/Matriculation: Pass with min. CGPA of 2.00 

  • Australian Matriculation/Foundation: ATAR score of 55

Note that this is just a general guideline as different institutions will have different entry requirements. 

Mass communication subjects

You’ll take a range of courses as part of a mass communication degree, including ones on advertising, journalism, communication skills, public relations, media literacy, and other sorts of mass media. 

It gives you a broad range of industry expertise with the chance of specialising in a specific area. Typically, you will learn the industry’s fundamentals within your first year. 

Here are some subjects that are often taught in mass communication programs:

  • Introduction to public relations

  • Media, culture and society

  • Brand communication 

  • Event management 

  • Crisis management 

  • Online journalism 

  • Sociology

  • Web production 

  • Visual communication 

  • Digital photography 

  • Public speaking 

  • Graphic design & layout

  • Broadcast media & production

  • New media marketing 

Who should study mass communication?

You should consider studying in a mass communication program if you possess the following attributes:

  • Ability to successfully communicate across all platforms

  • Multitasking and working on multiple components at the same time

  • Self-assured and adaptable enough to take on unexpected duties

  • Able to adapt and capable of dealing with a wide range of conditions and circumstances

  • Thinking skills with a broad understanding of social concerns.

  • Possess the ability to operate both collaboratively and independently.

Is mass communication a good career?

Yes, it is. Mass communication is promising career-wise. With a mass comm qualification, you can choose to apply for various jobs including radio announcer, public relations practitioner, journalist, and many others. 

Careers in the many mass communication sectors pay well and also give a lot of job satisfaction and chances for creative expression.

What jobs are in mass communication?

Students who complete mass communication programs have a plethora of career options, not just in the news media industry but also in a variety of other fields.

Here are some examples of jobs in this field:

  • Public relation practitioner 

  • Photographer 

  • Videographer 

  • Content creator 

  • Writer

  • Journalist 

  • Radio DJ

  • Reporter 

  • Producer 

  • Filmmaker 

  • Event manager

  • Lecturers 

  • Web designing 

  • Digital marketing manager

Mass communication salary 

Although salaries do vary in each company, a person working in mass communication would make on average RM72,000 yearly.

Final remarksWith the advancement of technology, a career in mass communication has become more important as the need for it had increased. So, if you think this is the pathway you would like to take after graduating high school, feel free to drop your inquiries, and a counsellor from UOW Malaysia KDU will be more than happy to assist you!

This content is provided by UOW Malaysia KDU.

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