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Balancing Motherhood and Lalamove Delivery Gig

This article is a year old

Finding the perfect balance between motherhood and work is a challenge that countless women face. Despite this, there are exceptional individuals who navigate this delicate balance with grace and determination.

Meet Amelie, a dedicated mother who discovered financial stability and flexibility through her part-time gig with Lalamove as a delivery partner.

Get ready to dive into Amelie's journey as we explore why she chose Lalamove, how she manages her motherly responsibilities, what makes working with Lalamove unique, and her advice to other women who might be considering a similar venture.

Why did you join Lalamove as a delivery partner?
The most important thing for me is financial stability. I left my full-time job during the pandemic to be a full-time mother to a beautiful baby girl. My husband is still attached to his company; his income is good enough to sustain our household. However, we always dream of a better future for our baby.

A better future means a more solid income, but it also means we have to do more to chase that dream. I heard of Lalamove from their TV ads. I visited their website and decided to sign up as their delivery partner and give it a few tries to make money. I mean, if the job didn’t suit me, I could just drop the whole thing, right? But here I am today, still delivering for Lalamove. The returns are worthwhile, too!

How long have you been delivering for Lalamove, and is it a part-time or full-time endeavour?
I’ve been delivering for Lalamove for two years with our 4 x 4 pickup. I’m quite happy to treat Lalamove jobs as a part-time venture. The best thing about working for Lalamove is that I can choose my working hours by prioritising my daughter. Normally, I’d accept delivery jobs after sending my daughter to daycare. I’d ensure I finish the delivery on time to pick her up at daycare in the afternoon.

How do you balance the physical demands of your job, such as carrying heavy items, with your other responsibilities as a mother?
You wouldn’t believe this, but I feel like caring for my baby girl can be more tiring than carrying heavy items! With deliveries, I’m expected to carry heavy items like a mini bar, bicycle or coffee table, but the heavy lifting usually lasts a few minutes. Sometimes, the customers are kind enough to lend me a hand when they see me lifting heavy items, which makes the job easier.

But parenting is a full-time job, and I have to count on my strength when my husband is at work. With my daughter, I’ve always been 110% mindful of her needs and wants. It can be exhausting when she’s throwing a tantrum or when she wakes up in the middle of the night and takes a good hour to fall asleep again.

Since taking care of my daughter is such a big responsibility, I always make a point to call my customers before I make a move for the delivery job. I’d ask them about the kind of items they want me to deliver and if I could get help to carry the items. If I feel the job is physically demanding, I will inform them that I cannot deliver.

The one thing that I always want to avoid is catching back pain from a delivery gone wrong. My daughter needs me more at home, so I must always be in good shape to be at my best, whether at home or on the road.

What is the best part of working with Lalamove?
I love receiving the payout from my delivery job immediately every week. Cashing out my weekly income gives me a consistent cash flow for our family needs. Secondly, I think most people overlook the free insurance coverage for Lalamove delivery partners when they’re on active jobs. I know I’ll be covered with free insurance if I get injured while on the job. And let’s not forget some of Lalamove's customers have a big heart for tipping!

What is the highest income you have earned through Lalamove in a month?
The highest I have earned through Lalamove in a month is RM5,000. But mind you, you have to put in the working hours and distance to accomplish this kind of income target! I am also fortunate enough to be added as a favourite Lalamove delivery partner by a few businesses. When I am a favourite delivery partner, getting repeat jobs from them is easier.

Is your husband supportive of your part-time gig with Lalamove?
When I first told him about my plan to be a Lalamove delivery partner, he had reservations. But to be fair, my husband allowed me to give it a few runs and see how it turned out. Over time, he has seen that I can care for our daughter while taking time off to deliver Lalamove orders. He’s even happy and impressed with my income to our household. But he always reminds me to be mindful of my safety when I’m on the road, especially when it comes to the heavy lifting of customers’ items.

What would be your advice to other women who are considering a gig with Lalamove?
If you have spare time, a vehicle, and want to earn extra cash, Lalamove is the gig for you! I know there are many women who’re working for Lalamove with their cars and bikes. But if you’re driving a van or pickup truck like me, you have to be mindful of the delivery jobs you choose since there will be some heavy lifting involved. But it’s all worth it when you see the smiles on your customers` faces and the money you earn in your digital wallet at the end of the day!

This content is provided by Lalamove Malaysia