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Raja Kamarul Bahrin and Daim have burst the Malay bubble

This article is 5 years old

COMMENT | Little do the Malays realise this: that the New Economic Policy (NEP) has benefited the non-Malays more than the Malays.

Last week, the country needed to hear the words of both Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin. Both have managed to burst the Ketuanan Malay hypocrisy and NEP bubbles.

Theirs was an honest and courageous admission from the political class. More politicians, especially Malay politicians, must denounce the hardline racists who have corrupted our government and nation. Bitterness and division have destroyed our society. Race and religion have robbed us of unity.

Our neighbours are overtaking us in the economic stakes, but Malaysians act like adolescent teenagers who are spoiling for a fight. This is the fault of both the political class and the clerics.

If you are able to control the Malay mind, you have discovered a gold mine. That is how politics has been structured in Malaysia, to lead the Malay by his emotion, rather than his intellect.

The Malay population has been raised and force-fed, on an infant formula of race and religion, by the nannies, Umno-Baru and PAS. The Malays are easily manipulated by the Malay politicians and clerics. It is all about control...

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