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PPSMI missing the forest for the trees

This article is 4 years old

COMMENT | I heard this anecdote about a primary arithmetic class in the dual-language programme. It goes like this: “Dua kali dua sama empat”, which the teacher translated as “Two times two same four”. It would be funny if that was not true.

Teachers should at least possess an acceptable level of English language competency. It is way past due for raising the entry requirements of a teaching qualification. And, is it not about time that the Education Ministry mandate an external review of the standards of teaching in all subjects, and teachers’ competency in English and Bahasa?

These questions underscore the flawed assumptions of the PPSMI, which Dr Mahathir Mohamad had hoped to re-introduce next year – if he is still PM in light of the ongoing deal-makings, political betrayal and failed alliances that will most likely end in acrimony.

The teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English in place of Bahasa was introduced in phases by Mahathir in 2003, a year before he stepped down as prime minister. The policy was reversed nine years later after protests by language nationalists.

The PPSMI then was premised on the assumption that science and mathematics were central to economic growth, and that mastery of both subjects depends on students’ proficiency in the English language. That premise still holds.

Both assumptions, however, are...

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