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MP SPEAKS | Covid-19 pandemic raging but Umno wants to call for GE

This article is 4 years old

MP SPEAKS | If Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin is right that Malaysia is set to achieve herd immunity in 18 months against Covid-19 from February after the arrival of the first batch of the initial Covid-19 vaccine, we will only be out of the woods of the Covid-19 pandemic in July 2022.

Yet Umno wants to have the 15th general election by the end of the first quarter of 2021!

It is sad and tragic to see how low a political party which had led the country to independence and spearheaded the formation Malaysia had fallen, with its present leaders not only forgotten how its founding leaders had struggled and sacrificed for the nation in the early decades of the country but is now only obsessed with the objective of using the slogan of Malay unity to advance personal interests of the party leaders and not the nation or the race.

As a result, Umno was rejected by the Malaysian electorate in the GE14 on May 9, 2018, and is engaged in “three-kingdom” series of plots and counterplots with Bersatu and PAS to ensure that its present batch of leaders escapes jail terms for corruption and kleptocracy.

What will be Malaysia’s cumulative total of Covid-19 cases and fatalities by July 2022?...

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