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ADUN SPEAKS | Ilogical to whitewash an illegitimate PM's actions

This article is 3 years old

ADUN SPEAKS | A Sarawakian Perikatan Nasional (PN) deputy federal minister spoke of his ‘pleasant surprise’ over Muhyiddin Yassin’s invocation of a state of emergency, citing the triple national crises that are the ongoing pandemic, economic devastation and political imbroglio.

Using terms like ‘strong leadership’ and ‘responsible government’, the honourable gentleman from Saratok employed a classic propaganda tactic to not only justify but glorify Muhyiddin's move.

He did so by juxtaposing an honourable character (I paraphrase, ‘from Bersih to many level-headed political commentators’) next to a deplorable one (Muhyiddin) highlighting common positive characteristics between the two, and using that to neutralise the negative actions of the latter. Perhaps for his supporters, it may work; but for the rest of the nation, it strikes as an attempt at desperate and shameless whitewashing.

I do, however, agree unequivocally that those pushing for immediate polls are insane. But to say that invoking an emergency is the government listening to the people, that is equally insane. Denying the PN government’s clinging on to their backdoor power and claiming to be ‘brave and bold putting the rakyat's wellbeing first’ is simply preposterously delusional.

He also wrote of the PM’s needs for ‘wider powers to arrest the scary situation’. But he failed to mention that it also gives the now illegitimate PM to also literally arrest anyone. This Muhyiddin made quite clear in his live broadcasted speech to the nation; that he would not hesitate to take action against those in his way.

As to ‘the constitutional authority to expedite processes that would otherwise be cumbersome’ that was articulately framed by the former PKR to Bersatu turncoat; that’s just another way of saying ‘it’s now much easier to circumvent proper procedures and rid the executive of any oversight in government procurement'. Surely, this is something that those who defected to the governing party to stay in power would welcome.

The honourable gentleman’s cringe-worthy obsequious flattery of Muhyiddin also claimed that ‘even his harshest critics will have to ‘acquiesce’ at his impeccable and faultless track record. This writer sees absolutely no need for acquiescence for anything related to this backdoor government’s political weaponisation of a global pandemic. And if the current sorry state is what the honourable gentleman sees as ‘impeccable and faultless’, then he should take a long hard look at the mirror.

Yes indeed, the honourable gentleman did throw a spanner in the works for some quarters’ efforts to unseat his beloved Muhyiddin. But he also failed to mention that the coalition he is now a flagbearer for gained access to the highest corridors of power through treachery right at the beginning of this pandemic. 

Furthermore, the Malaysian people are not blind to the incontestable fact that Muhyiddin invoked a state of emergency, in effect punishing the whole nation and suspended democracy to stop his own party and himself from being taken into a state of political emergency.

As delusionally certain as the honourable gentleman is of Muhyiddin's selfless placement of the people’s interest first and foremost, I am certain that Muhyiddin literally took the tactical page out of Trump and his Republicans’ playbook of declaring an emergency to halt his own removal from office. Only on this count, I would give credit where it is due; Muhyiddin did indeed trump even Trump himself, in suspending even Parliament, the highest most august democratic institution of the land.

To answer the honourable gentleman’s rhetorical question of whether the Malaysian people want stability through a firm and decisive leadership; I agree with the honourable gentleman that the answer is obvious. But he must check his own logic and definition of righteousness in answering on behalf of the Malaysian people.

One who is devoid of legitimacy yet exercises strong and firm leadership to preserve power is a tyrant; like a lethal weapon given to an untrained, unlicensed power-crazy person among innocent people who want him put away.

Stability achieved by tyranny is an autocracy that has yet to be retaliated against. Calm compliance of the masses due to fear of persecution is not a sign of success but the preconditions of authoritarianism. History tells us that authoritarianism seldom bodes well for the common women, children and men.

I know for sure, the Malaysian people want and deserve more than the tyrannical authoritarian autocracy that they have been ushered into.

Shame on the gentleman from Saratok for supporting, praising and taking pleasure from Muhyiddin’s heinous surprise.

HOWARD LEE CHUAN HOW is assemblyperson for Pasir Pinji, Perak and DAP Youth chief.

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