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COMMENT | Our giants are crying out, but who will save them?

This article is 3 years old

COMMENT | The Malaysiakini report ' 'Suspicious load' of timber found to be from Terengganu - Pahang Forestry Department' strikes at the heart and soul of Malaysia's existence as a rainforest nation.

The nation has been focusing on the plunder of its finances by Umno politicians but nothing concrete has been done to stop the wanton plunder of the country's fauna and flora. Stolen monies can be replaced but how do you replace a 500-year-old chengal tree? Another 25 generations, presuming the trees have not gone extinct, may not even be enough.

Looking at the gigantic girth of the fallen tree in the Malaysiakini report is heart-wrenching. I cry for the fallen giant. The still-standing giants are crying out, but who will save them?

Such giants of the rainforest are irreplaceable. Protecting endangered wildlife, especially the near-extinct Malayan tiger, evokes international concern. But how many people know about the magnificent giant trees? How many have seen a giant tualang tree? How many have stood between the mammoth flanges of a giant rainforest tree buttress?

I encourage developers to source and plant rainforest giants at appropriate sites in their developments. It is the least they can do. I have planted several species, including the awesome tualang tree, in two locations. Most of us will not live long enough to see them full grown. The joy is in allowing future generations of Malaysians to see these trees.

Every Malaysian ought to visit a virgin rainforest at least once in their lifetime and every secondary school student ought to be taken on an outing to appreciate their natural heritage now being destroyed by greedy merchants, enemies of the rainforests and traitors to the country's heirloom.

Malaysia is a rainforest country but sadly most Malaysians are ignorant... 

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