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COMMENT | Want another betrayal, Harapan? Embrace Dr M and Muhyiddin

This article is 2 years old

COMMENT | With the Parliament being dissolved earlier this month to make way for the 15th general election, several academicians and analysts have urged the opposition to set aside their egos and work together to take on the Umno-BN coalition.

Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion and we respect differing views, even if these views sound unpalatable to us.

Having said that, I feel that I must offer a rebuttal to economist Jomo Kwame Sundaram and political analyst Mohammad Agus Yusoff.

Both of them urged the opposition parties to unite, with Agus urging Pakatan Harapan, Perikatan Nasional, Gerakan Tanah Air, Muda and Warisan to form an electoral pact and take on BN.

My dear intellectual giants, in an ideal political scenario where we have highly-principled leaders riding on celestial flying horses and unicorns to bring forth glad tidings to mere mortals like us, that would definitely be a delightful scenario.

But dear ladies and gentlemen, let us be honest with one another. Malaysian politicians are notorious for lacking a moral compass and infamous for...

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