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COMMENT | People's history of Reformasi: Bloggers, dissenters, activists

This article is 11 days old

COMMENT | Veteran blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin passed away last week at 73. Coincidentally, he passed in September when 26 years ago that same month, Anwar Ibrahim was sacked from Umno and triggered the Reformasi movement.

Raja Petra, of course, played a major role in the movement. Besides running the Free Anwar Campaign and getting arrested under the Internal Security Act, he organised bloggers in the 2000s, contributing to the 2008 political tsunami.

As documented in the book “Power Games: Political Blogging in Malaysian National Elections” by Hah Foong Lian, a band of bloggers held a secret meeting in February 2007 at the National Press Club.

Ranging from hardcore Umno bloggers to pro-Anwar Raja Petra, they were united by one goal: bringing down Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. And they succeeded.

Raja Petra and the (bygone?) era of political bloggers

I think Raja Petra will be chiefly remembered for his blogs.

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