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NDSP #3 The Data Democracy: What is the value of your data to the Government?

Data is a valuable resource that can be used to improve public services, enhance national administration, and foster innovation and development. However, data also poses challenges and risks to the privacy, security, and rights of individuals and organisations. How can we balance the benefits and harms of data in a democratic society? How can we ensure that data is used in a transparent, accountable, and ethical manner by the government and other stakeholders? How can we empower citizens to access, understand, and participate in data-related decisions that affect their lives?

3rd series of the NDSP Series will explore the concept of data democracy and its implications for Malaysia. We will discuss the current policies, strategies, and governance frameworks that regulate the collection, processing, sharing, and use of personal data and open data in Malaysia.

Join us on Thursday, 7th September, 2023

4pm -5pm

on Zoom

Click HERE to RSVP

Discussion Angles:
-The National Data Sharing Policy
-How did others overcome all the reasons not to share data and do it anyway?
-What compelled them to overcome their fears and how did they do it?

Moderator: Karamjit Singh, CEO, Digital News Asia

Invited Panelists:
-Representative from Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran Dan Perancangan Pengurusan Malaysia (MAMPU)
-Representative from the Personal Data Protection Department (PDPD)
-Representative from a Foreign Government Agency

This National Data Sharing Policy (NDSP) series is a campaign jointly organised by Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Malaysiakini, Digital News Asia and supported by the Ministry of Communications & Digital (KKD). This campaign aims to spread awareness of the National Data Sharing Policy to public sector, private sector and general public.