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Facts vs right of free speech

This article is 5 years old

A recent remark made by YB Teresa Kok on an International school play depicting the palm oil industry in a negative light has caused quite a stir amongst various parties. Some commended the Minister taking a stand against such anti-palm oil activities, whilst others have rebuked the remark, stating that it is against freedom of speech and an attack against innocent schoolchildren.

In light of this, MPOA wishes to make a stand that any anti-palm activities, whether locally or on the international arena, are against the core principles and livelihood of the industry, and should be handled in a sensitive manner.

Numerous times, the industry faces blatant attacks overseas, and the last thing we need is to be attacked locally. Yes, it is the right of the school to stage such a play, but it would be better if it was done based on actual facts and evidence and not just propaganda materials. The nation, which already incorporates Best Management Practices in the oil palm industry, is moving towards being 100% sustainability certified. This itself speaks of the commitment the industry has in being sustainable and being environmentally friendly.

Palm oil is the livelihood of the country and much can be done to help others to learn and understand the processes of the industry, the health benefits of oil palm, as well as the many conservation and sustainable practices upheld by the industry. There must be consistent awareness created to bring forth the industry ain a positive light.

Those who are interested to learn more about the industry and its sustainable practices are welcome to approach MPOC or MPOA.