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Hurry, your chance to win RM10k is running out!

This article is 5 years old

Shoot a 90-second video with just your handphone and win RM10,000! Nope, this is no marketing gimmick. It can be that simple, provided you score a winning idea of course. After all, creativity is a fickle thing. Sometimes, you can pore over something day and night over months and get not an ounce of inspiration then walaah, you get your best idea in the shower and your best work is done in under an hour.

It is said that Adele's "Skyfall (James Bond)" was written in less than 10 minutes, Beyonce's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" was written in about 20 minutes, and The Beatles' "Yesterday" was written overnight, literally.

Also some people just perform better under pressure. If you are one of those, take note: there's a short film contest that ends 28th July. Yes, this Sunday; there isn't much time!

The contest entitled “LoveMYPalmOil90” welcomes the submission of 90-second short films that feature palm oil in whatever creative form you can think of -- the oil palm tree (dancing around it ala Bollywood style?), the actual oil, the products that contain it (that's like a gazillion things), the lives it had changed (it had lifted countless of people out of poverty)... anything. Here's some ideas -- 100 facts about palm oil.

And there is no limit as to how many entries one person can submit. So yeah, go wild!

The rules are simple:

1. Make a short film of any genre no longer than 90 seconds with a minimum of 60 seconds. Think comedy, documentary, live action, animals "talking", animation, hey even stop motion stickmen if you can pull it off... literally anything.

2. Your video must be submitted/uploaded (links here) along with a one-page treatment (view samples).

3. [Not a rule but it definitely will help] Rally everyone you know -- family, friends, fellow mamak patrons etc -- to vote for your video.

The short films will be evaluated by a professional panel (carries 60% weightage) and public voting (40%). Voting ends 31st July. Head over there and see the creative work others had done. Some are pretty awesome!

The top 3 short films from the contest will then have their content produced professionally to be included as part of the “LoveMYPalmOil” campaign. And of course they will go home with cash benefits as well -- Grand Prize: RM10,000, Runner-Up: RM5,000, Second Runner-Up: RM 2,500.

Get crafting folks, there isn't much time!

The LoveMYPalmOil90 is part of the LoveMyPalmOil campaign organised by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) in collaboration with IOI Corporation Berhad to instil a greater sense of appreciation as well as national pride in Malaysian palm oil. The contest is aimed at giving brilliant minds the platform to share with the nation the benefits and positive impact that palm oil has to both the nation and our individual well being.