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Solidarity with the West Papua people’s struggle for self-determination

This article is 8 years old

LETTER | We, the undersigned organisations, express our support to the struggle of the people of West Papua for self-determination.

Dec 1 marks West Papua’s Independence Day for Papuans when the Morning Star flag was raised in 1961 before annexed by Indonesia. The flag symbolised the aspiration of many Papuans for a Free West Papua. Yet, it is still illegal to raise the Morning Star flag in West Papua and people who do that might face arrest and persecution from the authorities.

On Dec 1 this year, the people of West Papua will continue this tradition of struggle for self-determination through mass mobilisation. The people of Indonesia who are concerned about West Papua will mobilize to express solidarity. There will be nationwide simultaneous actions in Indonesia to support the West Papuan self-determination.

Since the annexation of West Papua through the unfree ‘Act of Free Choice’ referendum in 1969 under the Suharto dictatorship, an estimated 500,000 West Papuans have been killed in their fight for self-rule. The people of West Papua have endured decades of brutal oppression and culture of fear. The Indonesian military and police have conducted systematic suppression against the West Papuans by stirring up racial sentiments.

Till today, the people of West Papua continue to face increasing intimidation, repression and brutality by the Indonesia government. This year alone, thousands have been arrested for voicing up their demands for self-determination and independence referendum.

Hence, we urge the government of Indonesia to:

1. Respect the right to self-determination of the people of West Papua, including holding a referendum to decide on the future of West Papua.

2. Stop repression against the people of West Papua who voice up the demand for self-determination.

3. Protect the right to freedom of information, freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of thought for the Papuan people.

4. Improve the lives of the people of West Papua by providing free education, universal healthcare and affordable public transportation.

5. End racial politics practiced by the Indonesian military and police against the people of West Papua.

We reject all forms of imperialist intervention in the process of democratic struggle in West Papua. Our solidarity with the people of West Papua to self-determination is part of the struggle against imperialism and international corporations who support the practice of land grabbing colonisation in West Papua.

We also urge the people around the world to consolidate efforts to extend solidarity with the struggle of Papuans for self-determination.

Signed by,

1. Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) - Malaysia
2. Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) - Malaysia
3. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) - Malaysia
4. Awami Workers Party - Pakistan
5. Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) - Philippines
6. People’s Liberation Party (PPR) - Indonesia
7. Student Center of the Struggle for National Liberation (Pembebasan) - Indonesia
8. Sedane Labour Resource Centre (LIPS) - Indonesia
9. Pusat Perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia (PPRI) - Indonesia
10. Perkumpulan - Indonesia
11. Lingkar Studi Sosialis - Indonesia
12. Serikat Kebudayaan Masyarakat Indonesia (SeBUMI) - Indonesia
13. Perkumpulan JUBI, Jayapura, West Papua - Indonesia
14. Socialist Alliance - Australia
15. Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA) - France
16. Pioneer - Hong Kong
17. Globalization Monitor - Hong Kong
18. Socialist Popular Alliance Party - Egypt
19. Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC)
20. Committee for Asian Women (CAW)
21. Fourth International