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Let local companies also participate in ECRL project

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | The Minority Business Chamber (MBC) would like to congratulate the government, Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd and China Communications Construction Company Ltd for signing a supplementary agreement for the resumption of the suspended East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project and for identifying measures to bring down construction costs.

We are pleased that this reduction and saving will benefit the people and lighten the country's financial burden.

However, we hope that the supplementary agreement which covers the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning aspects of the ECRL will give equal opportunities to Malaysian contractors and supplier companies, especially local companies from within the minority communities.

The ECRL project should yield greater benefit to the rakyat - contributing to job creations and the local supply chains, thus enhancing the local and national economy.

All local companies should be given a chance to shine or enhance their experience with a project of such a large scale. We expect and hope that cronies of the previous government with false track records will not even be considered for this project, thus giving real chance to the thousands of real contractors out there.

The MBC is willing to lend our expertise and assistance to the government in the selection of contractors and suppliers to ensure that locals benefit both directly and indirectly.

The MBC would be glad to submit a list of qualified minority contractors to the government so that they can be given a chance to participate in the project.

The writer is vice-chairperson of Minority Business Chamber.

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