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The Malaysian safe route to fame and riches

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | As each day, each week and months roll by, Malaysians are getting to know more about our politicians' wealth.

With the MACC having its hands full sniffing out the extent of corruption in the country, the courts are mounted with numerous cases of questionable assets being held by politicians, political appointees, suspected proxies and of course the next of kin of such individuals.

From expensive watch collections to fleets of cars to land, bungalows and an opulent lifestyle, these Malaysians are now being slowly exposed in some of the media space.

It appears that being in politics or if you are politically aligned is a sure route to wealth creation and appeasement.

The age-old philosophy of studying hard and working hard may not after all hold water anymore in the Malaysian proven context.

It seems that you do not even have to be lucky.

All you need is gaining power and control and loyalty pledged on this Malaysian political pathway.

In addition to the now world-infamous lessons of "cash is king", we are also unearthing yet another dark side of life in Malaysia.

While the population largely lives and dies by the belief that you must work hard, study hard and lead an honourable life to strive after the basic, simple pleasures that life promises to offer, we also have pockets of those with power and political connections enjoying life beyond their paltry government pay packets and certainly not commensurate with their skills and abilities.  

Some even have the audacity to label it as their own family heirloom or "personal wealth".

When we are sold this new route to self-enrichment that is gained without sacrifices, minus principles and with no pain, the nation becomes devoid of creativity, productivity and human capital excellence.

We are being sold a new pathway to riches, fame and the pleasures of life.

There is no hint of remorse even among those exposed to having amassed wealth beyond their means.

How long will all these continue?

How long will it take Malaysia to cleanse this tiny nation of this hoarding of wealth?

How long will it take the new government to return to society the wealth that rightfully belongs to all hard working, principle centred, law-abiding citizens?

Or will we end up seeing more crafty routes to hide away and enjoy ill-gotten gains in destinations far away from the ordinary citizens' eyes?

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.