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Revise composition of Koh, Amri task force

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | We, the following civil society organisations, are writing to support the family members of Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat who have expressed their concerns with the composition of the task force established to probe the disappearance of the two individuals.

It is important that this inquiry is truly independent and is seen by Malaysians and the rest of the world as such. It must be impartial and not mired in a possible conflict of interest or bias.

Otherwise, the task force will be seen by all as a "whitewashing force", set up to hide rather than uncover the facts and truth behind the disappearance of the two individuals.

As it stands, we are deeply disappointed with the prime minister saying he cannot please everyone with the composition of the task force. It is not a case of pleasing everyone but of prioritising justice for the family of the victims and for those seeking the truth and genuine closure in this case.

The composition of the task force only seems to please the perpetrators and this is unacceptable.

Justice for the victims and their family members has been delayed for many years due to the previous government’s apathy. The composition of the current task force would only further deny justice for these victims of enforced disappearance. 

This will only serve to further the suspicions and even accusations of government complicity in the disappearance of these individuals.

Furthermore, the stand that the task force will only begin investigating Raymond Koh’s case after the conclusion of the pending criminal prosecution is absurd.

Suhakam was faced with an identical conundrum in the early phase of its inquiry but it was established that the case had no factual correlation to the disappearance.

We call on the home affairs minister to take the necessary action to remedy the present serious flaws in the task force to ensure public confidence and trust in the task force. 

The revised task force membership should take into account the views of the affected families and various civil society organisations that have been following this case closely.

The above is endorsed by:

Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLG)
Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara
Pusat Komas
Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram)
Tamil Foundation Malaysia
United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (Ucsaam)
University of Malaya Association of New Youth (Umany)

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