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Sorry Anwar, we are not interested in gutter politics

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | I read with dismay Anwar Ibrahim's contention that Malaysians are keen to know the authenticity of the gay sex video and the mastermind behind it.

Coming from a so-called prime minister-in-waiting, does Anwar not realise that his statement will only help proliferate gutter politics which we are trying so hard to get rid of?

Why the obsession with knowing the identity of those featured in the gay sex video of which former PKR Santubong Youth chief Haziq Aziz has admitted to being part of? 

How does knowing the mastermind who circulated the videos help advance the cause of the people who face real-life problems like the rising cost of living?

There is absolutely no need to dwell in what goes on in the private confines of a bedroom when there are far more pressing issues which the country is facing. 

And there is definitely no need to lend credence to gutter politics by throwing your weight behind the authorities over this issue, especially coming from someone seen as the incoming prime minister.

Anwar's statement is all the more disappointing considering he himself had claimed to be a victim of gutter politics in the past two decades, not once but twice, with both occasions ending up with him being incarcerated.

One would have thought that Anwar would show more empathy towards the victim of gutter politics, especially when that person is his No. 2 in PKR and the two go back a long way.

It didn't help that Anwar's outburst came less than 24 hours after the arrest of Haziq Aziz and five others in connection with the gay sex video which had implicated Economics Affairs Minister Azmin Ali. 

There was really no need for Anwar to project the image of being in panic mode or being afraid of the truth especially with the cops now purportedly having ascertained the authenticity of the video.

If we - Anwar included - do not halt the advance made by those who resort to gutter politics, Anwar himself will become a victim of this evil deed all over again. 

Aren't his accomplishments in public service more important to the people?

Taking a strong stance against gutter politics is one thing. Walking the talk is another. The least Anwar could have done was to disempower gutter politics by not giving undue attention to this menace.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.