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Can we do away with political parties?

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | Party politics is all about patronage and some leaders behave like they are demigods. You will be sidelined or even thrown out from the party if you speak your mind. 

I believe it is better to move away from party politics and for right-thinking Malaysians to form an independent coalition of leaders to stand against Pakatan Harapan and BN in the next elections.

People need an alternative and if one analyses how the country is managed, it is the civil service who runs and manages the country, not politicians. 

So do we need politicians? Do politicians serve the people? Politicians are always busy enriching themselves and family, fighting each other for power and position, boasting, playing up race and religion when they lose support for self -preservation and political survival. 

Often the welfare and the interest of the rakyat only becomes important during a general election whey they canvass for votes.

All these are familiar to Malaysians. For decades we have seen how politicians come to us during elections promising all sorts of things even to the extent of giving guarantees that it can be done. 

But when they come to power all is forgotten and excuses are given for their inability to fulfil their promises lending credence to the age-old saying “never trust a politician”.

The Harapan government led by Dr Mahathir Mohamad have been given the mandate by the people to deliver on its promises and steer the country in the right path by pursuing much-needed reforms, to bring about good governance and good forward-minded policies in the areas of government, the economy, education and the various institutions of the government. 

I don’t think I need to list down all their failings and omissions so far as we are aware that it is in the public domain and has been subject to vehement debate.

Suffice to say that so far many of their policies are only self-serving to gain political mileage and strengthen their political base and are only cosmetic. 

Take for example the khat, Jawi issue. For a start, it was never part of their manifesto, it was not even part of an urgent reform agenda.

What was more shocking was that not too long ago, Dr Mahathir lamented that our national schools have become like religious schools. 

However, after having said that, he sees the need to introduce khat or Islamic calligraphy into the education system. I question the need for this now when there are so many other pressing issues to be solved in the national and vernacular schools. 

It is clear to me that Mahathir pushed for the introduction of khat and Jawi clearly to show he is capable of outdoing other Malay Muslim-based political parties when it comes to matters close to religion.

It is a political move only meant to attract votes and ensure political survival. It’s got nothing to do with preserving national heritage. It has divided the country along racial and religious lines even deeper than ever. 

That’s why I feel Mahathir, being the politician that he is, is unfit to hold the position as acting education minister.

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Our politicians have failed to take the bull by its horn and effect real substantive changes. We have seen how whenever they are confronted with tough issues, they just fold. 

The recent matriculation issue is another example of how the Harapan government failed to live up to the expectations of the people who voted them into power. 

It was the best opportunity for Harapan to show its mettle and commitment for reform but they failed to take the opportunity and continued to pursue an unfair policy.

So think about it, do we need political parties and politicians? Independent leaders, on the other hand, are not answerable to their political masters or required toe party lines, they are only answerable to the rakyat.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.