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We are here to serve the nation

This article is 4 years old

LETTER | In light of recent news reports, we would like to take this opportunity to provide a quick overview about Ikram and what we do.

Registered with the Registrar of Societies (RoS) since 2009, Ikram is an Islamic grassroots organisation with a focus on public education and community work.

We believe that Islamic principles and values are essential parts of nation-building and if explained correctly, can even be accepted in a multicultural and multi-religious society like ours.

To develop a strong, united and progressive society, Ikram believes in the concept of Negara Rahmah (loosely translated as a nation of compassion), described through 12 characteristics, as follows:

  1. Competent and accountable leadership
  2. Administrative system based on effective check and balance
  3. Good governance
  4. Fair and just Laws
  5. Knowledgeable, civil and caring society
  6. Strong family institution
  7. Harmonious ethnic and religious relations
  8. Stable and thriving economy
  9. Equitable distribution of wealth
  10. Sustainable development
  11. Safeguarding citizens' welfare, health and security
  12. Spearheading global peace and humanitarian efforts

Ikram supports the current government’s efforts to recruit the best and the most competent Malaysians with high integrity to lead and manage our country forward.

As a progressive Islamic NGO with a contemporary outlook, Ikram attracts many Malaysian Muslim professionals and scholars to be with us. Ikram is home to members from all walks of life - including highly qualified and high-calibre academics and professionals.

Ikram promotes a sense of patriotism among members as well as society at large. Thus, if any Ikram member is called upon to serve our beloved country, it would be based on his/her own merit as well as an answer to the call out of a patriotic sense of duty, consistent with our values. We believe the same applies to any member of NGOs who shares the same values in our country.

While we encourage our members to serve the nation, as an organisation that uphold high ethical standards of Islamic values, Ikram abhors any improper appointment of public officers even if it is for Ikram members.

As stipulated in the Negara Rahmah concept, competency and integrity in leadership and a government founded based on effective checks and balances are some of the core values that we hold fast to.

Ikram is committed towards nation-building and will continue to do our part. In doing so, we promote strong partnerships and collaborations between various stakeholders, regardless of race or religion. We are here to serve the country to the best of our abilities.

The write is president of Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia.

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