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Dear prime minister, you can't save a country just half-way

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | Dear prime minister,

The present political situation is just too precarious for comfort. Come on, prime minister, the people deserve better. With Covid-19 and the slowing down of the economy, we need urgently a government that is able to focus on national issues rather than politicking.

I know it is too early to judge, but it is obvious the new government is unlikely to work.

Just look at the limbo and quagmire in so many state governments. We can’t even get them organised. This is how divided and fragmented we have become as a nation today.

We know seeking power is part of the political process. But obviously this cannot be done regardless of costs and national interests. The cost is just too daunting and national interests forgone too enormous. 

 If only we had an iota of conscience and decency, we would not have allowed this country to debase to the present state.

With the attorney-general and MACC chief both resigning in tandem, how are we to resolve the billions now still pending with Goldman Sachs and other parties?

How are we to resolve the numerous cases of power abuse and corruption? How are we to rebuild national resilience, resolve fiscal and debt problems and restore the strength of our ringgit?

Please, prime minister, you must come back to Pakatan Harapan if the premiership and power are not really your ambitions. In any case, it is my humble observation that you will not enjoy position and power for long if the current arrangement inPerikatan Nasional persists.

Please prime minister, please allow Dr Mahathir Mohamadto finish what he started with you and others in Harapan. Didn’t you fight tooth and nail in the 14th GE to save this country?

Look, we can’t save this country only halfway. If a relapse happens, this country will die. This is how precarious we are today.  

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