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Letter: Things that we might have overlooked before the MCO

This article is 5 years old

LETTER | While being under this stay home order for slightly over two weeks now, there are a few things which are worth mentioning; things that we may have overlooked in normal times.

Let this not take away from the amazing work done by our frontline heroes. A virus pandemic is definitely not something you and I asked for. Hats off to those helping the rest of us get through this.


Keeping a sense of humour throughout this ordeal is crucial I would think. I admit that I have laughed so much (too much if you ask me) having chats and going through jokes. It makes you wonder whether you would have laughed as much in normal times.

Because we have the time now, for the time being, we can actually absorb the wittiness and put a face to expressions.

I think I was too busy to appreciate this at any other time.


Without fail, the garbage-collectors come like clockwork three times a week, MCO or no MCO. Salute.

So much so, on those days during this MCO, I am actually by my door anticipating their arrival. It's like they bring a sense of normalcy in this unpredictable period.

How I have really under-appreciated them all this while. Please, next time you see them, smile and say "thank you".

Perhaps you might have something else that you are grateful for now, only noticing it when told to stay home.

Dance/freestyle aerobics

Yes people, dance as if there is no tomorrow. Even though it may seem now that there will be plenty of similar tomorrows (much like the movie Groundhog Day), dance anyway, every day.

Do this for an hour. Dance or do freestyle aerobics in your room or living room. Blast your favourite tunes.

Not only is it a good workout, but it also helps you loosen up and clear your head.

Dance is probably one of the oldest forms of exercise. Socrates apparently said: "Or is this why you're laughing because my stomach is larger than it should be and I want to reduce it to a more normal size? Don't you know that the other day Charmides here caught me dancing at daybreak?"

I realise I never had time to dance or do freestyle aerobics at home. I thought I did not have the time. And yes, it is to reduce my tummy to normal size.

No need to rush

Where are you rushing to, one might ask you today. I foresee a pause in silence as you answer, which says everything that needs to be said.

We are constantly running here, there, everywhere and now we are back to square one. Literally told to stay put.

While it may seem awkward, I am beginning to think that we are allowed to slow down and catch a breather. Just to appreciate the simpler things in life.

That would mean to laugh, be grateful and dance. Things that we might have overlooked in the past.

Mind you, laughing, being grateful and dancing are things that can be done even after the MCO is lifted. 

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