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LETTER | Professionals and business leaders can check on MPs' bad behaviour

This article is 4 years old

LETTER | It is crystal clear that elected and parachuting Members of Parliament are increasing displaying bad behaviour in public and within the sanctuary of Parliament of course.

Despite many reactions and vehement protests from concerned civil society groups and leaders, parliamentary conduct leaves the nation robbed of dignity and honour.

Even the YouTube exposes of such demeaning conduct is not bringing any iota of shame and remorse of conscience, apart from the lip service apologies from erring politicians.

Media and social media scans reveal that, lately, the whole country is crying in pain over the desecration of honour, dignity and the principles of political conduct.

It is therefore about time that professionals, and the business community too, join the forces to be reckoned to put some fear in the hearts of recalcitrant parliamentarians who continue unabated with their rantings that reflect bad, uncouth behaviour and ill-mannered intent.

Such conduct that echoes racist mindsets and inflammatory intentions should not be allowed to breed in this multi-racial and multi-religious citizenry.

The continued reminder to errant Members of Parliament that the ballot box will censure such derogatory conduct has failed to put any fear in the hearts of erring politicians.

Rightly so, and now with the backdoor government rolling the red carpet to MPs to be back in lucrative pilot seats, the arrogance is seeping out from Parliament into all constituencies.

The fear of reprisals from the corridors of power must be catheterised from the business community in order to checkmate such bad behaviour.

The long-held belief that politics is to be kept out of professional circles has further emboldened our parliamentarians to continue their charades of insult, agony, disrespect and even to be proud of their litany of uncouth words and sickening behaviour.

Malaysians must exercise their patriotic responsibility now.

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