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LETTER | How we can celebrate Chinese New Year safely

This article is 4 years old

LETTER | First and foremost, let me extend my greeting: Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Chai, and may this year of the Metal Ox be a prosperous and better one for all!

Now to the more important business: how are we going to celebrate Chinese New Year this year?

Well, it is definitely going to be different and we must accept that! This is for both those who celebrate and those who are looking forward to the long weekend.

Firstly, with the movement control order (MCO) still in place, we must understand that movement between districts and states will be tough. But please remember it is all for a good reason. Remember that as younger people, we are at risk of contracting Covid-19 as asymptomatic carriers.

Visiting our elderly family members during this festive season will only bring the virus to their homes and all it takes is a moment of letting our guard down (taking off your mask, not washing your hands and not practising physical distancing), the virus will pounce.

Unfortunately, this virus pounces on the elderly and hits them hard. We must not allow that. So remember this year - staying away means you care for the elderly relatives by not wanting to infect them. You have to avoid movement, especially inter-districts and inter-states. 

For those living in the same house or within a few doors away, please remember that when you visit, you must wear a mask and it must be also kept on in the house. Yes, you read that right. Remember that keeping a mask on with physical distancing and hand hygiene keeps the virus away.

Also be reminded that having a more than 15-minute conversation (or even very short close conversations) in a confined and congested space, spells trouble.

For those at home, please be vigilant at all times. Chinese New Year is a great time where families sit and eat together. Using the same utensils that we use to eat to scoop food/second helpings must be avoided at all costs.

Do ensure that utensils are made available for each dish so that hygiene can be practised. Also, please do the same for those delicious cookies. Remember that when you use these utensils you must avoid contact with your plate and/or your eating utensils. And, please, do not share food from the same plate.

I know that cure little nephew or niece would like a sip of that tasty beverage, but remember, your kindness in sharing the same drink is actually an opportunity to share the deadly virus with others.

For all homes, please do have ample stock of hand wash or soap ready. Visitors must scrub their hands thoroughly and keep their masks on when they enter a home. Those who are residents at home need not wear masks unless someone is unwell or have symptoms.

It would also be good to have a few extra boxes of face masks that you might want to keep in case someone needs a change of mask and doesn’t have an extra one. If possible, create a QR scan for your homes so that if an unforeseen situation happens, contact tracing becomes easier (SELangkah offers that feature for free if needed).

This Chinese New Year be as strong as the Metal Ox in combating Covid-19.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.