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LETTER | When winning precedes principles in fragmenting political landscape

This article is 3 years old

LETTER | Despite 14 general elections it appears that none of the political parties able to stand on their own political foundations to face the 15th general election speculated to be held by October 2021 or in 2022.

Today we hear of news reports and sharing on social media platforms of how every political party in Malaysia is desperately brokering, enticing, plotting and even poisoning each other in order to form some form of alliance to wade through the next general election.

Probably the only party that is not a part of this strategy is the PSM fold.

The question is, why are each of the parties not confident of marching through the GE15 on their own track record, strengths and promises for the rakyat?

Why is forming alliances behind a vail of philosophical sounding offers, formulas and horse-trading so critical?

Is it not very telling that party ideologies and principles are being put on the back burner while the sole aim of winning is taking precedence?

Is political victory all about winning or should it be solely one of staying beholden to a party's ideology and principles?

Have we reached a point where none of the claiming veteran politicians and leaders unable to stand up to competition and hence are choosing the pathway of having to plot to win?

It appears that their main fear is that their respective party/parties may be wiped out if they do not win. And if this true, then it only affirms the fact that the party/parties are devoid of succession planning and are merely centred on totalitarian leadership.

Is political partnering and alliances made with seat negotiations, horse-trading, carrot dangling or simply put, "power trading" the gold standard in politics?

Is not the vote of success solely in the hands of the voters? Or are we saying that Malaysian voters are dumb forever and will fall for the ploys of politicians dressed to the deck with partnership alliances accompanied by goodie bags of F & B and ang pow handouts?

Why can't Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim, Mohamad Sabu, Muhyiddin Yassin, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi or any other proclaimed veteran political leader take their party through a general election on their own merits, party strength, promises and principles?

Must they entice each other before going to the people? Where are our principles?

When a nation brokers its political principles it sinks into the pit of rogue regimes.

Is it too difficult for the guru-consultants of these political parties to recognise that the voters will ultimately choose a principled party with the right candidates?

Do the political veterans and leaders not understand that what matters most to voters is that the leaders are able to showcase their report card openly with promises of a future that are important to the voters?

And even if you lose, does it mean that your political principles will be devastated or there is no tomorrow to re-appraise and rebuild in order to emerge stronger in the subsequent polls?

Or is it all about a situation of "no more time to wait" to get into the saddle of PM-power'?

Likewise, is it purely conclusive evidence of "I must make hay at all cost while the sun is still shinning"?

Shame on all those politicians on all sides of the fence going for broke as they plot, entice, and decimate each other in preparing for the coming polls.

What hope is there to build a greater nation? 

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.