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LETTER | How can we help Palestine?

This article is 3 years old

LETTER | As the holy month of Ramadan comes to an end in Malaysia and around the world, it's hard not to think about all Muslims, particularly in Palestine.

The government recently announced a nationwide movement control order in which we will find ourselves confined in our houses during Aidilfitri, many of whom are not happy. 

While we’re stuck in the comfort of our homes during the final days of Ramadan, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are being forcefully evicted from theirs. 

While we spent our nightly prayers during Ramadan in our local mosques, Al-Aqsa mosque in Palestine survived a fire started by Israelis. 

Palestinians have long been the victims of conflict and terror but it's been especially hard to witness their sufferings during the month of Ramadhan, while the international peace organisations remain silent.

Malaysia has been a supporter of Palestinian rights and it’s time for the people of the nation to take a step into showing their advocacy. 

It doesn’t require us to be upfront in the battle but it does require a conscious effort. 

One of the steps we can take to show our support is by doing our research on which brands play a clear and direct role in Israel’s war crimes and then boycotting the companies that do. 

While we cannot use physical force to fight for Palestine, we can contribute to Israel’s economic downfall. 

Another way we can be a part of the fight is by donating as much as we can to trusted organisations that work tirelessly to advocate for Palestinian rights and give out monetary support to the victims. 

One of the most underrated forms of support is by educating ourselves and learning the history of Israel’s apartheid system and the origin of Palestinian oppressors. 

Once we’re able to educate ourselves, we’ll be confident enough to be vocal on the matter at hand.

Palestinians have waited long enough for international peace organisations to listen to their plight, it’s time for us to take up the initiative in doing our part to help, in any way that we can.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.