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LETTER | Do we understand the Friday khutbah on corruption?

This article is 3 years old

LETTER | Below are some excerpts from the Friday khutbah in Selangor and the federal territories (FT) related to the above subject. I am very sure Muslims in Selangor and FT would have heard it, especially folks at the seat of government in Putrajaya.

Some may say corruption is not punishable under Islamic laws and is given or taken voluntarily, but let’s see what you have to say after reading the excerpts from the khutbah.

Selangor – Title: Corruption (Jan 7, 2022)

The mimbar warned of a curse on those involved in corruption, especially civil servants. There is also the perception that it is impossible not to touch government revenue illegally. The curse is imposed on the giver, taker and also the middleman.

There are also those who use their position to obtain rewards for promoting or transferring officers and some use corruption as a source of income. Even more unfortunate, employees in religious agencies are also embroiled in a culture of corruption, as revealed by the MACC.

Trust, honesty and sincerity are lost and it makes laws and regulations useless. It is meaningless if there is no seriousness at the levels of enforcement, investigation, prosecution and punishment.

People are increasingly losing confidence in the country’s determination to eradicate corruption. The image and reputation of the MACC have been tarnished recently as well, with complaints and reports of misconduct among its staff.

All parties must take bold steps, a jihad to fight corruption.

Leaders, media and the people must work together to eradicate corruption with determination, resolve and seriousness to fulfil a kifayah obligation.

FT – Title: Preserve trust, enhance integrity (Nov 12, 2021)

Trust is very important as each of us have been entrusted with responsibilities either as a child, parent, employee, enforcer, administrator or people’s representative. If betrayed, it would cause great ruin and calamity to the community and society.

Allah SWT prohibited any form of betrayal or irresponsibility. “O, you who have believed, do not betray Allah and the Messenger or betray your trusts while you know the consequence” (al-Anfal: 27).

Corruption is a crime and a form of breach of trust. In 2020, Malaysia dropped six places to 57th on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). The question now is, why are there still those who are brazen enough to participate in corrupt activities even though they are threatened with the wrath of Allah SWT?

Indeed, the abettors are greedy with worldly wealth and are willing to sacrifice their integrity for the sake of gaining such wealth and rejecting the syariat.

It is a threat to development, affects the democratic process and efficient administration, hinders accountability, challenges the rule of law, erodes management and destroys the trust of the society towards its leaders.

Therefore, corruption will surely lead to the destruction of society, race and nation, and even impede the development and progress of the ummah.

Our role is to infuse strong religious and moral beliefs within the family, especially among our children and make them understand how bad and destructive corruption is. Wealth, accumulated through wrongful means and dubious sources when given or spent on the family would not invoke blessings, but would instead invite tragedy and destruction.

As people with faith, let us build integrity in all aspects. Pay attention to transparency, truth and good work ethics while also ensuring that no element can bring ethical transgressions. Integrity in management is also proof of the strength of the faith of a Muslim.

We must cooperate with the relevant authorities and not feel afraid to help inhibit corruption and breach of trust because the MACC will always ensure the secrecy and confidentiality of information given and the identity of informers (Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010). An informer who becomes a witness will be protected under the Witness Protection Act 2009.

To conclude, corruption is a great sin and the giver and receiver of bribes are cursed by Allah SWT and their heinous acts shall invite punishment in the Hereafter.

For the record, 2021’s global average CPI score of (43) remains “unchanged for the 10th year in a row”, despite commitments having been made to combat corruption. Meanwhile, Malaysia dropped a further five spots to 62nd in its index ranking.

Now, given the above excerpts, do you really think we listen to and understand the khutbah? Why do we keep sliding in the CPI ranking and are we not ashamed despite having many oversight committees to oversee MACC?

Where are our leaders and politicians leading us to and where do they put God in their daily dealings where many of them are Muslims? Can we put our trust in them? What say you?

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.