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LETTER | No more room for race-based politics in coming GE

This article is 2 years old

LETTER | Of late, I am sure every Malaysian has heard whispers and rumours that the next general election is around the corner.

This time around, the political scene looks like a free-for-all and it could be anyone's ball game in the end.

However, based on the results of recent by-elections, it looks like BN seems to be the front-runner. However, we cannot draw conclusions from the by-elections as there were numerous mitigating factors, including the poor turnout of voters.

From years before to what it is today, BN is a far cry from its days of glory. Also, from a previously huge coalition, it is now down to only four which have seats in Parliament.

As a voter, apart from Umno, I do not foresee MIC nor MCA making any new headway in GE15. Both parties are merely lame passengers riding on Umno.

What BN would need to do at this point is to rebrand itself with some fresh, new blood which does not come with much political baggage.

Back then, there were still multiracial parties like Gerakan and PPP in the BN coalition, but today, BN seems to be more Malay-centric than multiracial.

Today, especially with Undi18, voters are no longer what they used to be and there is so much more liberalism and open-thinking among them.

Entering the race relying on race-based parties is certainly not going to win it for BN, especially with the likes of PKR which is multiracial on the other end.

It is time for BN to open up and allow the entry of new blood, especially multiracial parties into its fold.

Parties like the newly formed Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) and the likes which are helmed by leaders of numerous races and of course, many youngsters are what BN would need to win over voters.

Voters have had enough of the same old faces and want to see young leaders who are able to reach out to the future generation, especially the Undi18 voters.

Malaysia is moving away from race-based politics and that is why BN needs to rebrand itself and be more open to welcoming change.

Women and youth power must not be taken lightly and BN needs political allies which are built on these foundations.

Also, from the point of a voter, it is good that PBM has a number of members from Sabah and Sarawak which makes it all the more appealing for voters from across the board.

There should no longer be any racial distinction as, in line with the Keluarga Malaysia concept, it should be an election for all Malaysians, from all races, cultures, and beliefs.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.