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LETTER | Anwar not taking salary won't impact govt coffers much

This article is 2 years old

LETTER | Regarding Pakatan Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim’s pledge not to take a salary as prime minister if his coalition wins, it will be nice to see if all Harapan candidates can pledge the same if they win and take office.

Sometimes when these types of promises are made, they sound more out of desperation to beg for votes rather than perceived as being sincere.

Nobody asked him not to take a salary but instead, he should say that in the event Harapan wins, all Harapan MPs will take only 33 percent of their monthly income and the rest will be given back to the rakyat.

The savings will be more significant and the sincerity will be more acceptable.

Anwar alone not taking a salary will not make an impact on the government’s coffers.

Above that, he should also pledge that all leaders of Harapan-ruled states and their executive council members will also take a salary cut of nothing less than 33 percent.

We don’t need candidates making promises that are hollow and not policy driven.

Also, Harapan should make it clear that above the salary cuts, they will not take all sorts of exorbitant allowances privileged to those in power, which are cumulatively as luxurious as their salary.

As Nov 19 nears, we see all sorts of ad hoc statements being made by some candidates.

Let's not be fooled by such antics.

If they are really serious about being the people’s representatives and genuinely want to save money, then put that pledge in a legal declaration where the public can hold them responsible.

All this eleventh-hour vote fishing is absolute crap.

NARINDER PAL SINGH is the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Warisan communications chief.

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