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LETTER | Malaysian politicians, can I advise you something…

This article is 2 years old

LETTER | The 15th general election (GE15) was three days ago and we still do not have a proper government. What happened two years ago is happening again. Statutory declarations are the “in thing”.

For your own vested interests, you decided to have an early general election oblivious to the approaching monsoon season, the people’s suffering and upsetting pre-planned functions.

Politicians promised a return to prosperity, harmony and good times and will offer practical solutions, ideas and realistic plans.

It seems the last thirty-nine months were uninspiring times.

You wanted us to save the country and not experiment any further and with stability, promote confidence and in turn - attract foreign investors to revitalise the economy.

Are you aware that Bursa Malaysia dropped more than 20 points and ringgit fell by 290 basis points in the morning of Nov 20 due to the hung Parliament? A day is a long time in politics and after three days, we still do not have a functioning government.

Why are you guys taking so long to come to a decision? This does not give a good impression to potential foreign investors.

I thought you guys have a competent leadership line-up and the writing was on the wall of a hung Parliament long before Nov 19. Obviously, the views and opinions of the people are worthless.

What I do not understand is why a party with a small number of seats can ask for an extension of time when Istana Negara wanted leaders of political parties and coalitions that have a large number of seats, to inform the agreed combination to form the next government and submit the name of the prime minister candidate to the palace by 2pm on Nov 21?

I know many voters were disappointed with this event. It seems a minority is taking the lead and what happened to the two majority parties?

Interestingly, a member of the minority party’s coalition was not aware of any meetings on the formation of the new federal government.

Even the caretaker prime minister was not aware of certain things where he is supposed to advise the Agong on many things.

Are we in for another bout of instability in the not-too-distant future?

As humans, we can forgive but it is hard to forget. Remember the words and things said during the campaign period and I would not like to repeat them.

Prophet Muhammad said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent."

It created enmity and hostility among friends on social media and wasted time. And you guys can now sit and talk around the same table.

Now, they are talking about a unity government. May I ask, do you all understand what unity government is all about?

Running like a headless chicken

Since the last four years were uninspiring times, you guys have to hit the ground running and not run around like a chicken with its head cut off or run into a stone wall or in circles.

You should govern like running a tight ship and cannot afford to be in a situation where you run out of petrol.

Prove to us your calibre and capabilities with high-quality debates in the Parliament and not marked as truant. Please do some research before debating on any bills and give credible and meaningful answers to any questions.

You have a great responsibility to create a path towards stability and prosperity and of course, social harmony.

Give due respect to the civil servants because they help execute policy decisions. Politeness and transparency are lacking in the august house.

Cabinet decisions should be in sync. It seems the previous cabinet members were not informed of the decision to call for polls.

Whoever is the new prime minister, we do not wish to see another bloated cabinet. And please, try to fix the next general election date so that people can plan things properly.

Before going to sleep, please reflect on your promises during the campaign period and manifesto - and check how many have yet to be fulfilled.

We don’t need leaders who are bigger or higher than the country but see statesmen coming out from the group.

We have given you the mandate and you are doing political horse-trading now where sadly; we do not have a say. Please get off your high horse and if you are not able to deliver, do let us know in advance.

I am aware that if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

What say you, politicians?

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