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LETTER | An open letter to DAP leadership

This article is 2 years old

LETTER | Firstly, congratulation to your party, as a part of the Pakatan Harapan coalition, in successfully obtaining a continuing mandate from the voters for a majority of the seats that the party was voted in at GE14.

It was, however, disheartening to note that in the run-up to GE15, instead of competing on their proposed policies for the country and the people, DAP again, was singled out specifically for vilification by its opponents during the entire campaigning period.

And this was despite the party announcing that they are not taking up cabinet positions, which clearly shows it is committed to the welfare of the country and her people without any ulterior motive.

This time, the party was branded as pro communists in the run-up to the election date by one of its opponents, who comically was enjoined together with DAP for almost seven years in the same political coalition known as Pakatan Rakyat in their quest to unseat the once powerful BN coalition.

Post-GE15, this same opponent, who refused to join a proposed unity government suggested by the king and is now part of the opposition coalition, branded DAP “Islamophobic”.

Going forward, it is clear that this party will continue to demonise DAP with their play of religion in politics for their own vested interests. There would be non-stop vilification of DAP by this same opponent right until the results of the next general election are made known.

Religion will again be the central theme and the rallying call purportedly to unify the Malay race. Imaginary enemies will be created and perpetrated as out to destroy the race and the religion.

It is obvious that the leader of this party is taunting the new government and hope that the taunt will result in him being investigated and arrested, upon which new and potential accusations would then be levelled against DAP again for masterminding and orchestrating the whole charade, which they are not.

And it is projected that the period from now until the next GE can be a very hot situation within national politics in the country, particularly in regard to the issue of race and religion and the government.

Before 2020, this party which failed to participate in politics as a government at the federal level used their ability to influence the heart and minds of Malays mainly on the east coast of the country.

After 2020 when they became part of the federal government, their influence has been spreading like wildfire resulting in them tripling their number of MPs in Parliament in the just recently concluded GE15.

Their rise in Malaysian politics is not by chance.

It was well planned, years in advance, and their patience was amply rewarded in GE15.

Compared to BN which seemed relatively out of touch with the Muslim grassroots – the ummah – this party is popular at the grassroots level primarily because it championed Islamist populist issues and was seen as defending the interests of marginalised Muslims.

It was also able to connect with the grassroots at an emotional level as it demonstrated its willingness to boldly confront the BN government for alleged unjust acts committed against the Muslim community.

With new voters coming of age thanks to the Undi18 legislation - according to the Children Statistics, Malaysia, 2022, issued by the Statistics Department on Nov 28, 2022, there are 9.19 million children under the age of 18, with 4.75 million of them boys and 4.44 million girls as at to date – it is projected that the rise of this party will be further enhanced in Malaysian politics come the next GE that needs to be held latest by 2027.

Do away with the age-old method of going on the offensive or being defensive of the allegations hurled at DAP. Treat those accusations and allegations as mumblings and the believers as mindless.

Yes, remaining silent is also not an option.

So, let’s respond to the constant and continuous divisiveness by this leader and his party that will not end until the next GE, with a new way.

Champion the narrative where the discourse is all about unity in diversity and solidarity and harmony amongst all races in the country under the five pillars of the Rukun Negara.

Mencapai perpaduan mengikut prinsip Rukun Negara.

As the country is now facing tougher challenges than ever before, it is more urgent and imperative that all Malaysians should be reminded to remain steadfast and continue to uphold the principles embodied in the Rukun Negara so that the country can continue to be developed in the spirit of unity and harmony.

The Rukun Negara and its five pillars, ie belief in God, loyalty to the king and country, the supremacy of the constitution, the rule of law, and courtesy and morality, call upon a united nation where the diversity of religion, race, and culture is celebrated as a blessing and a source of strength.

It also calls for good behaviour and warns against abusive or offensive behaviour that may lead to the end of social equality, peace, and democracy.

It forbids questioning the loyalty of any citizen based on race and belief.

And Malaysia is a state that should be respected and protected by all Malaysians, not just by any particular race.

No one regardless of their background should be allowed to betray the five pillars of the Rukun Negara.

Guide and ensure that every Malaysian upholds the five pillars, not just knowing the Rukun Negara by heart, but also respecting, understanding and appreciating the values of each of its pillars and unity of all Malaysians will be inevitable.

And that should be how DAP should respond to the continuous taunt and vilification by their political opponents.

The majority of Malaysians are getting really tired of the constant and continuous attempts to tear apart the social fabric of this beautiful nation by selfish politicians.

And Malaysians now want to reclaim the country back from these self-serving politicians.

Make it clear that it is the aim and objective of every Malaysian to unite under the five pillars of the Rukun Negara.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.