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LETTER | Vaping: Act before it’s too late

This article is a year old

LETTER | Amid concerns that the highly-addictive vape products are being deliberately targeted at youngsters, the government needs to re-evaluate the laws on vaping.

The majority of vaping users are youth. These youths are assets and inheritors of the country's leadership in the future. The government has to even consider banning vaping as part of its efforts to address the increasing number of youngsters using such products.

This is also amid parents’ fears that an increasing number of children are getting hooked on vaping. Disposable vapes flavoured like sweets and fruits are now targeted towards teenagers.

The flavours and bright colours make the products more appealing to children and teenagers.

A total crackdown is therefore really necessary to curb the vaping menace among youth. What’s more, vaping can be considered as anti-social behaviour.

Government statistics show that 8.6 percent of 11 to 18-year-olds in England vape regularly or occasionally, up from four percent in 2021 and 4.8 percent in 2020.

The figures also show that the use of disposable vaping products increased substantially, with 52.8 percent of young vapers using them in 2022, compared to 7.8 percent in 2021 and 5.3 percent in 2020.

Gender-wise, girls appear to be driving the trend, with the vape rate doubling among them in the last three years, while it has remained flat among boys for five years.

The rate rises sharply among older schoolchildren. Among 15-year-olds, one in five girls and one in seven boys vape, compared to one in 100 boys and girls aged 11.

Friends (45 percent), social media (41 percent) and relatives (35 percent) are the most likely sources of e-cigarettes for young vapers.

In our local setting, before vaping becomes a widespread habit among teenagers and adults, the government has to take proactive measures and re-evaluate the laws on vaping.

The majority of vape users today are youth who are supposed to be assets and inheritors of the country's leadership in the future.

Unwise action by govt

The government recently took an unwise action when it removed e-cigarette or vaping liquid from the Poisons Act 1952.

Nicotine is proven to be a dangerous substance found in most vape products. A responsible government should consider safeguarding the people from highly addictive nicotine.

At the same time, tax is also imposed on the sale of the material. It is estimated that the government will earn billions of ringgit from the sale proceeds.

And it seems like money has become the government’s priority at the expense of public health.

Tax and increasing the price of vape products are not going to deter addicts from vaping. Being addicted, they are only going to end up spending more on vape products.

For some die-hard vape enthusiasts, they believe that vaping is safer than cigarettes. Such a perception is actually a myth.

Vapes and cigarettes are both detrimental to one’s health, not only to those who use them but also to the public.

Adverse effects

A study of different types of e-liquid found that all of them contained substances considered harmful to health.

Hazardous components detected include chemicals that can cause cancer - the nation's number one killer.

Vaping contributes to metabolic diseases such as heart, high blood pressure and diabetes. Studies have also shown that vape liquid can kill lung cells, neurons and skin layers.

Vaping, just like smoking, will cause the blood flow to the legs to weaken and can cause infection. For a diabetic patient, there will come a stage when the limb in question needs to be amputated.

For pregnant women, vaping not only endangers their lives but the development of the unborn child. Foetuses are prone to lung, brain and nervous system damage, and sudden death syndrome.

Worse, the nicotine in the breast milk of vape smokers will affect the baby's sleep patterns, and increase the risk of high blood sugar and thyroid problems.

The risk of lung health problems will happen to children who are exposed to cigarette smoke or vaping continuously. They tend to suffer from asthma, lung infections and ear infections.

Reports by law enforcement authorities have shown that there are some irresponsible parties who mix dangerous substances into the vape liquid.

Liquid ketamine, cannabis essence and syabu are used behind the fruit flavours. It clearly shows that vaping has the potential to be used in the abuse of various types of dangerous drugs.

Vaping addiction causes a person to experience discomfort, restlessness and trembling. Their heartbeats also become faster and it is difficult to breathe. Emotionally, they will feel anxious, restless, and worried.

For students, among the behaviour patterns that can be seen is in terms of focusing on what is taught, truancy, and lack of discipline.

Thus, there is no good in vaping.

Act before it’s too late

Religious bodies need to be stricter in issuing a decree regarding those who vape because it is wasteful and harmful to health.

It also has to be the government’s aspiration to produce safe and decisive youth for the country's progress. Youth need to be taught to avoid negative activities and become useful citizens.

The government has to act decisively to make the country smoke-free and save our youths’ future. Act before it's too late.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.