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LETTER | It’s categorical for politicians from both sides to unite

This article is 10 months old

LETTER | Every day we read about endless animosity and unsavoury remarks exchanged between politicians from both the political divides.

Ever since the formation of the unity government by decree issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in November last year, we have yet to see politicians uniting for the sake of our nation's future.

One would have thought that with a royal decree, all parties would come to their senses and work together for the betterment of the nation and its people while setting aside their political differences and personal agendas.

But that is not happening, and a year has passed.

Just take cognisance of the debates in Parliament which can only be described as horrendous.

Malaysians are witnessing the shouting exchanges and crude language by MPs trading across the floor of the august house during the debate.

Simply put, decorum and decency among MPs in the Parliament are ignored.

The rakyat has had enough of three PMs in less than four years; a change that one would have thought was for the better, but unfortunately is not.

From Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Muhyiddin Yassin and finally Ismail Sabri Yaakob in less than four years saw no remarkable improvement to the nation’s economy and the weakening of the ringgit against all major world currencies.

What is most aggravating is the fact that despite having a bloated 70-odd ministers and deputies in the administration we are witnessing persistent warring among politicians instead of closing ranks to address the critical geopolitical and geo-economic challenges we are facing.

Certainly, the 70-odd ministers and deputies of the Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri era would have had enough work distributed among themselves to effectively put the nation back on the path of reform and to raise the nation to its once glorious past among our South East Asian neighbours.

Sadly, and at a very high cost to Malaysia, it turned out to be a dismal letdown.

Daunting task for Anwar’s govt

The unity government led by Anwar Ibrahim with 28 ministers and 27 deputy ministers now have a daunting task to put right what they claim were the failures of the past three governments, ie endemic corruption, poor governance and unfettered abuse among political elites.

The abuse of the Jana Wibawa programme, ie an RM600 billion stimulus initiative to help bumiputera contractors, that was approved in November 2020 by the then Muhyiddin administration saw a sizeable amount of cash channelled to corrupt political elites.

Malaysians continue to await anxiously for a decision by the court against those being charged with various criminal offences relating to the Jana Wibawa programme.

And were we not told that trillions have been lost over the past 26 years by the past succeeding governments? It is unbelievable that such a humongous amount of cash simply disappeared without anyone realising it.

These abuses and corrupt practices among the political elites have made the country infamous as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and this must cease immediately.

The leadership of the unity government intends to do just that - to clean up the slate - and Patriot calls for all Malaysians to support this noble, imperative and patriotic intent.

The call by the unity government to fight corruption and abuses is loud and clear and is repeatedly said by Anwar at the various functions he attended recently.

The public endorses the promises that there shall be no compromises, and action will be taken against all offenders regardless of their rank and status.

Such a call is not only appropriate and timely, but it is the only means to ensure investors, both foreign and locals have faith and confidence and have good reasons to believe that their investments will reap beneficial results.

These calls for reform and resetting the nation, however, have yet to be fully realised.

The country meanwhile is sinking into a dire need for a stable, efficient and capable government that has the people’s interest at heart which in no uncertain terms is the ultimate desire of all citizens of the country.

Patriot sees a positive intent by the unity government to fulfil its responsibility and pledges to the country and its people.

It is for this very reason that Patriot urges all patriotic Malaysians and in particular politicians from both sides of the political divide to set aside their differences and work together not only in support of the unity government but more importantly to see to the fulfilment of the aspirations and wishes of our king.

The country must move ahead without any further change of government during the remaining tenure of the Agong.

Patriot will muster its resources, will and abilities to defend the country, king and people for the onward stability of our nation as a whole.

MOHAMED ARSHAD RAJI is president of Patriot.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.