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LETTER | Where is M'sia headed in our ambulance service?

This article is 3 months old

LETTER | Recently, I heard a story where a young life in the Klang Valley was lost despite calling 999 and having an ambulance service near his home. His story is not the only one, many reading this article will have similar stories.

It seems we only have a 999 system but did not manage to improve the ambulance service.

Is it true? Ask around and the story is always the same:

“I called 999, the call was answered, sure. They asked me a battery of questions and yet it took the ambulance more than 20 minutes to get to me. It seemed forever.”

“I called them several times asking where is my ambulance. They couldn’t seem to give me a precise answer. It’s like they also didn’t know where the ambulance was. It’s so frustrating...”

“I waited and then could not wait anymore. I decided to drive to the hospital. The doctor told me she died on the way…”

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Auditor-General’s Report mentioned: “The 999 ambulance service from the Health Ministry failed to achieve its own performance index target”.

Health news portal CodeBlue even reported that it takes 1.5 hours for an ambulance in the Klang Valley to respond to an emergency.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many were unable to get help when they called 999.

After the pandemic, are many patients still dying while waiting for a long time for an ambulance?

Searching the internet, I found with interest: “Malaysia will have a National Institute for Ambulance Service and Disaster Medicine, announced by the health minister.”

So, why are lives still lost in a developed area such as the Klang Valley?

Who should take a look at this issue - we need to get help in time in order to survive. How are our “10 steps to improve survival - resuscitation alliance”?

At the end of the day for us Malaysians, how long should we wait for an ambulance in a major city during an emergency? How good is the ambulance service in your area?

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.