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LETTER | Pay hike for civil servants a timely move

This article is a month old

LETTER | Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim just rolled out a whopping seven to 15 percent pay hike for civil servants as Malaysia posts a solid 5.9 percent gross domestic product growth for the second quarter.

This isn’t just a pat on the back for government employees; it’s a smart move that would give the whole economy a nice boost.

Here’s the deal. With more money in their pockets, civil servants are going to be spending more. This means more cash flowing through local businesses and services, keeping the economy thriving.

It’s exactly the kind of push we need to keep up the momentum from that strong GDP growth.

Plus, a bigger paycheque does wonders for morale. Happier civil servants mean more efficient government offices, smoother services and better implementation of policies - all of which are super important for keeping things stable and moving forward.

And let’s not forget about fairness. This raise is a big step towards narrowing the income gap and bulking up the middle class, which is crucial for a well-rounded economy.

Everyone benefits when growth is shared widely and that’s exactly what this raise aims to do.

In short, the Madani government is doing the right thing, linking a well-timed raise for civil servants with the ongoing economic growth.

It’s a strategic mix of boosting the economy and lifting spirits across the board, proving that when public sector workers thrive, the whole country does too.

This move also shows a commitment to making sure that prosperity reaches every corner of the community.

Writer is the MP for Kepong.

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