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LETTER | Humanitarian aid should be genuine, non-biased

This article is a month old

LETTER | The group of civil society (CSOs) and individuals have seemingly not been able to discern genuine humanitarian aid and heartfelt concern and compassion for the Palestinians brought into Malaysia for medical aid against a spin and charade by Prime Minister Anwar for 15 minutes of " fame" and religious appeasement.

They stand on shaky moral high ground vilifying those who criticize this managed political and religious theatrics done for favourable press and political mileage.

The CSOs and individuals have apparently broad-brushed and cast critics as prejudiced and inhuman based on their critique of the biases of aid recipients and the dramatic fanfare surrounding a grandstanding of humanity.

Those who criticise may have marched on the streets and attended rallies against the invasion and apparent genocide in Gaza. They may have put money where their mouth is and sweated to provide aid to the Palestinians.

They may have voiced out the injustice and deprivation meted out to Palestinians in their rightful land and pointed out Western world’s blind support of the Zionist cause can be due to their own shameful and cruel persecution of Jews for hundreds of years and their failure to help Jews escape fascist Germany before World War II.

The Western world has mainly used the Zionist cause to seek penance and resolution of past sins.

It is hoped before the airlift, the CSOs and individuals were of the same mind, concern and advocacy and had similarly amplified loudly and clearly, that they stood on the same hill with those they criticised.

Others in need

Humanity hopes these CSOs and individuals will not be silent or be blinded by the persecuted political and religious refugees in our region and not only refugees and Palestinians in the country.

The refugees from our region will hopefully not be disparaged or even ignored by the CSOs and individuals because they arrive in sinking boats rather than in aeroplanes with much fanfare and press coverage - with our leaders extending a welcoming hand.

Sinking boats with ragged, sick and starving refugees are usually dealt with by middle-level relevant authorities and get a few inches of coverage in newspapers.

This Palestinian issue is a constant newsflash and breaking news as compared to the old stale but ever-present problem of regional refugees coming onto our shores.

Rohingya refugees

Another possible reason why the CSOs and individuals gravitate towards the Palestinian issue is because of its novelty and there is already an end to the problem because the government has announced this will be the only humanitarian airlift.

The regional refugee problem in and outside Malaysia, however, is still lacking any viable solutions and seemingly no end after so many years.

Humanitarian aid should not be discriminatory, biased or merely a perception. It must also not be easy pickings of brownie points for “fame”, political mileage, religious appeasement and perceived humanitarian concerns and for feel-good hype and favourable press.

Humanitarian aid must be a general responsibility for all and not for ego, gain or profit to be manipulated.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.