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Yoursay: MCMC's explanation for blocking Mkini site unacceptable

This article is 6 years old

YOURSAY | 'Complaints should be investigated and substantiated before a website is blocked.'

MCMC explains why it blocked M'kini's GE14 page

Lone_star: The Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)’s standard operating procedure (SOP) should be like this: Public complains to MCMC, MCMC investigates, finds website inaccurate, informs website concerned, website refuses to correct inaccuracies, then MCMC proceeds to block the website.

Instead, this is the SOP used: Public complains, MCMC takes action and blocks website, then investigates, finds information is not incorrect, then unblocks website.

Mana boleh macam itu (How can it be like this)?

Anonymous: MCMC’s explanation is lacking in detail and, hence, not acceptable.

What investigation did the MCMC undertake to support the complaint of inaccuracy before issuing the restriction order?

Specifically, what other sources did the MCMC compare Malaysiakini's GE14 results against?

Anonymous 2439891477538802: MCMC's excuse is absurd and incongruous. If there is a complaint, there must be an investigation before you block the website.

Has MCMC done its due diligence? Obviously not, and there is why there has to be a personnel revamp in MCMC to rehabilitate its tainted reputation.

Epokong: Seriously? I would opine that mainstream media websites, particularly those pro-BN ones, probably contained much more inaccuracies prior to and during GE14.

Those websites, however, were not blocked.

To Our Future: MCMC, who exactly were the members of the “public” that claimed that Malaysiakini’s information appeared to be inaccurate?

Better still, how did you come to the conclusion that the information was “dilihat kurang tepat” (seemingly inaccurate)?

JW: You mean anyone not happy with anything a website provides can just file a report and you will jump to it to block the website?

Just Me: MCMC’s explanation is horrible. No kids will even believe it. We would like to know who complained that the figures are not accurate. Which part is not correct and why was it not correct?

The people have the right to know who these people who said that Malaysiakini’s election reporting was not correct were.

Plain & Simple: Yes, it's high time the new government needs to reform and overhaul MCMC if the government is really serious about freedom of press.

No 'all in the family' - Anwar says Nurul won't join cabinet

Anonymous: I agree with some of the commenters who say that PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar will make a good minister and I daresay someday a great first female prime minister. But three from a family in a cabinet doesn’t look good.

She is young and can wait. Others who are as good have fought long and hard for this day. Let them serve.

Nurul Izzah can become better with time. I greatly respect her willingness to step aside for now. She is a true patriot sacrificing for sake of unity. Syabas (congratulations), Nurul Izzah.

Salute to you too, Harapan de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim. Nurul Izzah has carried herself well in all her duties and had made your family proud.

Though she is talented and deserves to be in the cabinet, you were right that it is not proper for her to be a minister with your wife Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail or you being a deputy prime minister or prime minister.

We must not only be corruption or nepotism-free, but must also be seen to be free from these two scrounges.

Democrat: Way to go PKR. Nurul Izzah is young and extremely bright. Maybe she can be a deputy minister, which is not a cabinet position.

And Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is now listening. He just decided not to take up the Education Ministry portfolio to keep his word to the voters.

Well done, Harapan. If you operate in this manner, you can be assured of several more terms.

Fairplayer: I’m glad to hear that Anwar and his family are not power-crazed. This is a good example for the young and greenhorns in PKR. Bersatu's greenhorns had better learn this principle, too.

Only the trustworthy and competent should be considered for ministerial posts, regardless of their party. There should be no vested interests or monopoly by any one party.

But in general, the party with the most qualified MPs must be given the first preference. And don't forget Sabah and Sarawak Harapan MPs.

VGV: Indeed, a very good precedent set by Anwar as nepotism takes the back seat. Now move forward to bring the country to greater heights. That's the wish of every Malaysian who voted for Harapan.

Demi Rakyat: I fully agree with Anwar but for a different reason. Nurul Izzah still needs time to prove herself to be worthy of assuming greater responsibilities, especially in the government.

Anonymous 895941438245255: No, I think Nurul Izzah would have been an excellent minister. We need more women in the cabinet.

It is a pity that this issue has to be taken into consideration. It should be the best man or woman for the job, regardless.

A Brighter Dawn: Nurul Izzah can be a most important source of ideas and input to her parents now and will eventually shine when her time comes.

Thank God, we are different from the chaotic White House, where things are so different with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump helping US President Donald Trump turn the Middle East into a powder keg.

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