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Yoursay: Failure to nab Riduan another reason for PDRM revamp

This article is 6 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Muhammad Riduan could be found in a day if the authorities wanted to.’

Indira's missing daughter 'never been to school', NGO claims

Old Fella: Muhammad Riduan Abdullah may be a real rogue. He took from his wife (Indira Gandhi) the breast-feeding child (11-month-old Prasana Diksa) apparently in order to collect RM5,000 for converting the child to Islam.

He then abducted the child, refused to produce the child in the High Court in Ipoh and now, refused to obey the Federal Court order.

The police allegedly aided and abetted this all the way. The police refused to obey the High Court order. The police have failed to execute a Federal Court order.

The home minister is holding on to his post and has not resigned. The IGP (inspector-general of police) is fully to be blamed for his conduct and failure to execute the Federal Court order in Indira Gandhi’s case.

Every one of them conducted themselves with bias contrary to Islam.

Jeez: For how long does the Home Ministry have to put up with a broken down PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police)?

Without real changes at the top hierarchy, the endless ineptitude will just carry on. They are the main executive arm of the government and the guardian of our national safety.

Suffering from a public trust deficit, unprofessional, a corrupt culture, infested with little Napoleons, refusal to carry out court decisions, etc; what other reasons do you need for the home minister to conduct a total revamp of PDRM?

Anonymous_4056: What a big let-down and what a disgrace that the entire resources of PDRM could not even arrest an ordinary citizen like Muhammad Riduan.

Krissman: Muhammad Riduan could be found in a day if the authorities wanted to. The question is whether they really want to find him and justice for Indira.

How far off the grid in Malaysia could Muhammad Riduan have gone to hide from the Malaysian authorities?

Either the Malaysian authorities must be completely incompetent or must be helping this lawbreaker stay under the radar.

Anonymous 9916: Don’t count on the PDRM and its ineffective investigations. Today’s PDRM should be revamped to rid the agency of its bad apples. I am surprised that hasn’t happened yet.

It is not possible that PDRM doesn’t even know if Muhammad Riduan has left the country or not. There are always record unless someone did another Altantuya Shaariibuu.

TCM: Religion aside, how can we allow a mother and her children to be separated for so long?

Muhammad Riduan, she has suffered enough. If you still have some decency in you as a human being, please at least let her know that the child is okay. After all, you were once married to her and must have had some feelings.

Even if not, what about the feelings of your children? Indeed, when they are grown and know the truth, they will hate you.

Kepala Tak Centre: As a human being, I feel sad when I think about Indira's daughter Prasana. She was abducted by her own father when she was a toddler. She missed mother's love, childhood, teenage, and her life forever.

I don’t understand why the government is not able to find her.

Roger_5201: The former IGP (Khalid Abu Bakar) who took matters into his own hands must explain why Prasana should not be reunited with his mother when he could have taken the appropriate action based on the court's order.

As it stands, Prasana is kidnapped by her fugitive father, neglected and largely forgotten without access to her own mother. Is this the kind of rights accorded to a Muslim convert?

Anticonmen: The greatness of a religion is not measured by its numbers. It is measured by its degree of acceptance of seeing the same divinity in everyone, whatever belief he or she may have.

Conversion is not from one religion to another but involves the conversion of minds from ignorance to knowledge, from selfishness to selflessness, from darkness to light.

Group claims Indira's daughter's MyKid number changed illegally

Determined Sarawakian: If a person changed his name, identity, and address, I am sure the National Registration Department (NRD) has the records.

The details cannot just disappear, and if it does, then the NRD should be investigated. But I doubt the father and child are even in this country.

Hafidz Baharom: Yes, surely there’s a database in NRD where one can search out individuals by name, date of birth, etc.

I know it might not be centralised with everything else for security reasons, but definitely, you can seek out addresses and such from there.

Cicak Boy: As far as I know, Islam requires that the children of Muslims must be Muslim and that conversion to another religion is not allowed, so do we seriously think the taxpayer-funded Islamic departments in Malaysia would allow the father or child to be located?

Please drag in the Islamic department heads and maybe some information will be exposed.

Vgeorgemy: NRD is infiltrated by extremist elements and needs to be cleansed to protect the nation's security.

Any deliberate attempt to forge Prasana’s MyKid number is nothing but wage war against the constitutional setup and the stability of the government.

Anyone who connived with the extremist elements to interfere in the workings of the NRD is the enemy of the people and should be treated as such.

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