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Yoursay: The crux of the matter is source of Stadlen’s cash

This article is 6 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Najib, where did this RM15 million come from? Simple answer, please.’

Najib 'explains' RM15m payment to Stadlen via Hafarizam

Slumdog: So, it looks like spin master Paul Stadlen is so magnanimous that he is prepared to wait several years to be paid. 

RM15 million is a lot of ringgit in anyone’s language. I don’t know Stadlen’s business style but former PM Najib Abdul Razak’s explanation for the payment is farfetched and unbelievable.

And why was the money paid through Umno lawyer Hafarizam Harun’s trust account?

I would love to see the contract between Najib and Stadlen. Also, can Najib explain where he obtained the RM15 million in light of his earlier claims that he did not have money to pay his bail and had to borrow and beg from Umno supporters?

Quigonbond: It’s quite strange for fees for services rendered to be paid to an escrow agent. Maybe Stadlen did not trust Najib will pay up.

What's more revealing is this amount is supposed to be Najib's money. Indeed, if he can personally pay Stadlen such amount, why was he fighting tooth and nail over bail for multiple corruption charges and then asking Umno members to pay for him?

CQ Muarku: Why couldn't the RM15 million be paid directly into Stadlen's account instead of through Hafarizam?

Why the additional hassle, which resulted in suspicion? Isn't the fabrication of this lie the answer provided by Hafarizam to escape the money-laundering charges?

Kritek007: Once again, Najib, where did this RM15 million come from? Simple answer, please.

The investigators would have traced the money route already, so you don’t need to lie further.

Frank: Whatever you are saying about the millions paid to that Briton, don't you think that you need to explain how on earth you could amass those millions in the first place?

As for the audit report, what you did or did not do have to put in context - that is, in relation to all that, what you and your gang members did to obstruct justice and intimidate parties from inside and outside the country while you were in power.

Burn baby burn.

Vote4changejohor: This man is whipping up his 'story of the decade' again, much like the fictitious 'Arabian donor' transferring RM2.6 billion into his personal account.

Why doesn't he just stick to the facts? The payment of such a big sum of RM15 million for unspecified dubious work done and the way the payment is done is fishy indeed.

What were the work or projects done? Why is the payment not made through proper government channel?

Najib should answer these pertinent queries and not tried to pull wool over the people's eyes.

Jehangir: Yes, what work he did, and for RM15 million? RM15 million from where?

Did the charge say that the money came from you, Najib? I can't wait to know the source of the money from the trial. I hope Najib will be patient enough because he will be called to court as a witness.

Roger 5201: After repeated denials, his hotshot lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah finally explained that the RM9.5 million paid to him was for 10 years’ worth of work for Umno/BN.

And now this – “several years of work” for his former media advisor Stadlen, who sneaked out of the country shortly before May 9, 2018. What work did Stadlen actually do for Najib and Umno for him to disappear from the country now?

Bossku, could you please explain why your media advisor isn't even in the country to help verify your claim that he has been paid RM15 million for several years of work?

Esviel: Anyone knows someone like Stadlen who is willing to work for several years and then only receives payment for his services?

I would like to employ such generous people. I will pay them once my firm becomes profitable.

Anyway, did you settle the withholding tax within 30 days of payment to Stadlen? Paying withholding tax is the responsibility of the payer and not the receiver.

Anonymous_8a8199e: What kind of bull and cock story Najib was trying to tell.

If you engage someone to do a legit job, there must be an agreement on the payment terms. It's either you pay him progressively for work done or you pay him monthly. You don't pay someone after several years of work.

No one is going to work like that. How's he going to survive for several years without payment?

Simple Malaysian: If there is a payment due for a certain service, it can be made via an agreement first, followed by an invoice and all the usual things that a transaction would go through.

Why the need for a middleman lawyer? Where did this money come from? Was the service performed legit and real? Prove it.

Is it more complicated than that? Why is it that deals brokered via any of these Umno-linked personalities have to be so complicated and complex?

Vent: Are we missing something here? Why is Najib so quick on the draw to defend these two men if he isn't implicated?

Whatever happened to that old pre-GE14 Umno refrain “Let the law take its course”?

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: So the charge is “politically motivated” and “timed to coincide with the Semenyih by-election”?

Najib should know what he is talking about. Former DPM Anwar Ibrahim too cried “politically motivated” when he was incarcerated for Sodomy II prior to GE13.

And why is Najib jumping the gun to defend his alleged money-laundering cronies in the media when he will be given his day in court when the trial commences? Was it "timed to coincide with the Semenyih by-election" too?

Lionking: Well, this is good news for Najib. Now you have solid evidence that the charge is politically motivated, you can have a field day in court.

In fact, you should go for an early trial.

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