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Yoursay: Harapan getting tunnel vision in countering RPK allegations

This article is 6 years old

YOURSAY | ‘They’re running around like headless chickens with RPK’s claims on the tunnel project.’

Raja Petra's graft claims 'pure fiction', says tunnel boss

Fellow Malaysian: Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin is out to destroy all that is good and genuine about this country with his “series of nefarious posts” on the Penang undersea tunnel alleging that five state excos, including Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, received kickbacks from project contractor Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd.

Raja Petra has created enough trouble with his ludicrous claims. It is time that MACC start probing his motives and agenda.

Falcon: Whether Raja Petra’s claims are facts or fake news, he’s got everyone running around like headless chickens not knowing how to deal with his propaganda for sale.

Even Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has waded into the mess, calling Raja Petra a “liar.” It is only to sow chaos and doubt.

Anonymous 5237890145285379: @Falcon, I agree. Knowing Raja Petra, the intent is not to expose wrongdoings, but to create doubt.

Harapan is now on the defensive, which gives the impression that it is trying to cover up wrongdoings. It had better come up with better strategies to counter the blogger’s claims, including legal action.

Proarte: Raja Petra is paid to tell lies. He is a hack without any principles and serves the highest bidder. He has brought the world's oldest profession to journalism and is proud of it.

Coexist: MACC has also lodged a police report against Raja Petra. A waste of paper, but necessary nonetheless.

It looks like a certain party needs a distraction from the recent MACC raids. We can see the smoke on the RM90 million scandal, and where there’s smoke there’s fire.

Anonymous_1548935682: The undersea tunnel project is a waste of taxpayer money. Penang should cancel the megaproject.

Use the money to abolish tolls, write off National Higher Education Fund loans, lower fuel prices and abolish SST (sales and service tax) instead.

Gerakan unconvinced by Lim's denial of graft in tunnel project

TCM: I am unconvinced about Gerakan's ability to contribute to Malaysia. All I see is a statement that they are not convinced, and that is supposed to matter - how?

If you are unconvinced about a party’s innocence, then you are convinced about their guilt. Don't hide behind semantics and later claim, "I did not say they are guilty, just that I am not convinced they are not guilty."

Show your hand and prove it. It is easy to shout from the sidelines with nothing at stake. Words are, after all, cheap, but by far the cheapest I have seen come from Gerakan and MCA.

FairMalaysian: Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong should do Malaysians a favour and sue Lim, if he dares. We also want to know the truth. So do us all a favour if you really believe what Raja Petra has written.

The Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) went to France against all odds and under adversarial conditions with the BN government, Gerakan was then part of being in charge.

Instead of talking like dumb parrots, Gerakan should take a leaf from C4’s book and sue the parties concerned and prove the allegations.

Malaysians will definitely love Gerakan for doing that. We are against corruption and here is their chance.

Lim has said his piece and from what Oh is saying, he is not telling the truth. But instead of being a slime like Raja Petra, be a good person and sue the finance minister so that we all can learn the truth.

Fairnsquare: Since MACC has already lodged a police report against Raja Petra's blog post, perhaps a report against Gerakan for abetting a false report should also be lodged.

This party is also wasting the time of the police force and distracting attention from the investigation into Umno-BN’s corrupt practises.

'What corruption? Penang tunnel project awarded via open tender'

EricLCC: Like all writers, Raja Petra puts his literary skills to good use – but in the wrong way.

Except for Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown – in a case that saw Raja Petra’s Malaysia Today retract one of its articles – has anyone in Malaysia sued the blogger for defamation?

My2cen: The opposition is out of ideas, so they are recycling absurd lies, and playing up issues of race and religion to shake up the Malay electorate’s confidence in the new government.

Harapan really needs to set up a communication committee to present their narrative and counter these absurd lies, and they can only do this without backstabbing inside the coalition.

Van Helsing: Umno knows marketing very well, as I believe they have engaged experts to spin fake news and false accusation even if they have no facts.

If you are caught red-handed by your wife with your pants down in a compromised position with another woman, keep denying it over and over again and she may begin to believe that she may have mistaken someone else for you. Umno and PAS are doing precisely this.

Get smart, Harapan. What do you think former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak is doing? If there isn’t some hotshot PR firm guiding his moves, perhaps they left their blue book behind.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Why do you have to respond every time the other side tells a lie or makes an outlandish claim? You will then be busy locking horns with liars and cheats which will take your attention away from governing.

The opposition is desperate without real issues, so they will create lies and false stories to detract you from the task at hand.

And Harapan’s failure to make Najib look and feel like a cheat has given him the advantage now with his "Bossku" campaign.

A special team should have been formed to deal with these lies and counter the propaganda by the opposition. There are many retired PR experts and journalists who can strategise and do the fighting while you concentrate on getting us back on track.

But Harapan seems to be tight-fisted in all the wrong places and this will result in its loss.

Annonymous: Yes, as usual, Harapan is back to their silly syok sendiri (self-gratifying) opposition mode.

Always getting worked up by fools, and becoming bigger fools in the process, by wasting time reacting, defending, explaining and verbally attacking those who have achieved their objective to tarnish the "DAP Chinese."

If Harapan has any courage, it should sue and use all its powers to rightfully shut down Raja Petra’s fake news site.

Even private citizen Rewcastle-Brown could make Raja Petra apologise for spreading fake news. Can’t the new Harapan government, the seven DAP ministers – including the communications minister – and all their ‘powerful’ lawyers do anything about this hideous fake news?

DAP leaders are now like frogs in a pot, enjoying their newfound ministerial perks basking in the "warm" waters, oblivious to the obvious threats against them. They seem to have zero basic skills in facing the reality of the filthy politics played by all for political survival.

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