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Hadi: RM100 per member equals RM100m, nothing peculiar about RM90m

This article is 6 years old

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said there is nothing peculiar about the Islamist party having RM90 million in its coffers, pointing out that its membership exceeds one million.

According to him, if a single member donated RM100, then PAS would be able to collect RM100 million.

"What is strange about RM90 million? Even RM900 million would not be strange," he was quoted as saying by Harakah Online during a programme in Terengganu last night.

Hadi was addressing the allegation that PAS received RM90 million from Umno during the leadership of former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

It is claimed that Najib had channelled the funds in exchange for support from PAS during the last general election. The former premier has denied this.

MACC is currently investigating the allegation and has recorded the statements of several PAS leaders.

Meanwhile, Hadi told his audience that the allegation is nothing more than slander.

"Alhamdulilah (Thank God), 'Allah Taala' has given us 'rezeki' (income gifted by God). 'Rezeki' which is 'halal' (permissible in Islam), not 'rezeki' which is 'haram' (forbidden in Islam).

"Our strength continues to increase, our followers continue to grow in numbers," he added.

'We are clever'

The Marang MP said there are certain quarters who are surprised that PAS is able to contest in so many seats during the election with regard to the deposits which have to be forked out.

"Why are they concerned about our affairs? It is our cleverness (to be able to contest).

"We are clever in finding (funds), but what is important is that it must be 'halal' and sincere contributions from members and supporters who believe in (Allah's) promise that it is a good deed to assist an Islamic struggle," he added.

In the last general election, PAS and its allies Ikatan and Berjasa had contested in 158 parliamentary seats and 390 state seats.

At the minimum, a candidate must pay RM10,000 deposit to contest a parliamentary seat and RM5,000 for a state seat. 

A candidate needs to win one-eight of the vote cast to retain their deposit. Fifty four of PAS parliamentary candidates and 97 state candidates lost their deposits.