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Why DAP is envious and continues to be fearful of MCA

This article is 6 years old

COMMENT | DAP is envious and continues to be fearful of MCA because we are a grassroots organisation, with two universities and multiple outreaches as a party. Thus DAP’s fear of a local government election is real because MCA grassroots will outdo theirs as we are more service-oriented, less radical and are more acceptable by the non-politically aligned Malay electorate.

Since the last general election, MCA has been on a mission to reinvent itself. But, more often than not, it is seen as “not sexy enough” as compared to the Chinese-dominated DAP. Our leaders do not clown around, make fun of others or use vulgarities like DAP.

While many think MCA should be independent of the Barisan Nasional, it may be because they don’t understand the value and significance of the party’s role in promoting moderation, tolerance and harmony in our multiracial political fabric.

MCA was part of the Alliance Party, which was founded in 1952. While it was a temporary arrangement between MCA and Umno for a municipal election, it grew into a permanent alliance with MIC and Umno, that played a key part in the independence of Malaya.

MCA, at a time of racial tension and animosity post-May 13, 1969, racial riots, played its part to ease Chinese political hardship in the areas of educational, cultural and economic development. MCA continues to represent the Chinese and other minority communities during the “ultra” and Malay nationalism years.

DAP had won over MCA for Chinese votes by promising a Malaysian Malaysia with no racial policies. It managed to obtain near absolute Chinese votes in the last general election as a result of this promise. Does this mean the Chinese have ditched racial politics?

Not so. On the contrary, they have just flocked to DAP on a racial promise, i.e. doing away with bumiputera quotas, etc, which were blamed on Umno’s dominance and MCA’s compromises. DAP disregarded that its relevance is from the backing of the Chinese community, by quickly announcing that it is “not Chinese” and going after MCA’s “blood” upon obtaining power. These have alienated the reality of many Chinese voters who have their own specific needs as an ethnic group.

Our relevance is way beyond politics

MCA’s relevance goes beyond just politics or winning elections, etc. We have a responsibility to lead the Chinese towards participating in the national agenda, particularly in promoting racial harmony towards national integration and unity. MCA has always shouldered the serious responsibility of making racial compromises with its partners.

The well-being of the Chinese community and racial tolerance, harmony and unity were built by the MCA. To this effect, the elders in the party have always reminded us to provide a solid foundation and lead the Chinese to embrace the wider agenda of nation-building in the Malaysian context and not as in Singapore, Taiwan or China.

Whether it’s education (Tunku Abul Rahman University College, TARC) or community assistance (MCA service bureaux), MCA treats the community and all Malaysians in a serious and solemn manner. MCA did not have the luxury of gags and comedy that DAP routinely engages in. MCA also preaches national integrity, rather than racially divisive politics as often presented by the DAP stalwarts. And we do not indulge in vulgarities.

MCA has one thing DAP never had - a truly multiracial soul and spirit over the years of working together. With our vast experience in the governance of our country, we are able to contribute positively in our new role as an opposition party. Put together with our new role as an opposition, MCA has the ability to bring credibility to the game and towards a truly two-party system as promised by DAP - but quickly abandoned when it gained power.

On the other hand, DAP has difficulty being accepted by the Malays as the words and deeds of the party reflect its Chinese psyche. It was easier when DAP was in the opposition - now, it faces difficulty to govern. DAP had opposed in the past our policies with racial sensationalism (it still does today), while MCA opposes with substance and rationality.

MCA is real, genuine and sincere. Take for example the fake qualifications fiasco and Penang Undersea Tunnel issue that have mired Pakatan Harapan. The rakyat can see there’s a lot of hypocrisy and insincerity there. Not only did MCA leader Wee Ka Siong take DAP to task, he also did it diligently and professionally as compared to someone like Lim Kit Siang (photo), who always chooses to hit below the belt with racial taunts, exaggerations, etc.

MCA and MIC have chosen to be in the BN to keep the coalition multicultural and give the new leadership a last chance to revert to our original spirit and intent, i.e. leading towards unity in diversity.

A coalition as old as the BN is bound to have issues among key partners. But they cannot bounce from coalition to coalition like DAP does, because the community at large comes first. We cannot abandon BN and allow it to be hijacked towards a radical mono-ethnic or mono-religious path. MCA knows this is bound to happen if we leave BN in the hands of Umno-PAS.

The MCA was founded on the premise of representing the Chinese Malaysian community, but also to ensure representation is always there, regardless of whether the community supports MCA or not. As such, MCA as a party should not be trying to “out-Chinese DAP,” but rather focus on providing leadership and governance with our multiracial expertise that the country desperately needs right now.

TI LIAN KER is a vice-president of the MCA and a member of the Dewan Negara (Senator).

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