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Yoursay: Something’s not right if nation can’t join anti-genocide treaty

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘It seems the administration has fallen into the opposition’s ‘triple R’ trap...’

PM: Malaysia to withdraw from Rome Statute

Gerard Lourdesamy: Is this a government elected by the people or by the rulers? Are we a constitutional monarchy or an absolute one?

Whose hands is elected power in? Which provision in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is against the Federal Constitution?

If the rulers know better, they should articulate their position to the government. We are now a disgrace in the international community.

How can we defend genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity? They are clearly unIslamic as well. Or do such crimes only apply to Israel?

The comity of nations and the principle of jus cogens require us as a member of the global community to practise, preserve, and maintain certain standards of conduct and behaviour.

Otherwise, it is better if we withdraw from all international organisations and retreat into a self-serving cave of ignorance and insularity.

The well-being of a nation is not just about economic growth and income, but also about shared values and upholding principles.

The Pakatan Harapan manifesto was clear on the ratification of United Nations conventions and treaties with or without reservations. If the opposition is not happy, they can persuade the people to vote out this government in the 15th general election.

Until then, the manifesto should be implemented in full. Why the constant pandering to racial and religious bigots?

Anonymous_1546043747: From Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s comments, it appears the backtracking is again due to the opposition wanting to take advantage of dissatisfaction of some members of the royalty and use that to pit the royalty against the government.

If we continue U-turning at every corner, I don't expect much reform to happen. It seems the administration has fallen into the opposition’s 'triple R' trap and doesn't seem to be able to recover from it.

If only they came out with guns blazing after the general election victory when BN was still dazed, things may have been very different now.

Kim Quek: Mahathir in his press conference has repeatedly said that someone is trying to get rid of him by using the Rome Statute issue to stir up the royal rulers against him.

The question is asked: Is he feeling so insecure about his premiership that he must over-rule the vehement objections of 90 percent of his cabinet ministers to ram through this so-called “cabinet decision” to withdraw from the Rome Statute?

After all, only one sultan has raised his objection. As for Umno’s objection, that was expected of it, as an opposition party. Such dissenting voices are by no means threatening to the regime, particularly when the ground of objection cannot stand up to reason or legal scrutiny.

So, why is Mahathir feeling so jittery? Or is he planning some controversial move relating to the premiership, for which he needs to be in a position of maximum strength to fend off any possible challenge (for which, the Rome Statute is a negative factor)?

Whatever motivation Mahathir may have, this shocking and abrupt U-turn on this international treaty has dealt a heavy blow to the Harapan coalition – not only for its fading reformist image, but more importantly, for mercilessly exposing the cabinet, once too many times, as subservient to a virtual autocrat.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Many may fault the old man, but he is the only one who can ensure that these noisemakers are kept at bay.

He may have a changed way of leading the country now, due to the fact that most of those in power for the past 15 years since he left were simply too drunk on power, so much so that they never ever thought they would be shown the door in May 2018.

He is trying to avert a chaotic situation which the noisemakers are very capable of creating. Our history is rife with situations like that which will eventually lead to destabilisation of the government and the country, so that is why he is being a little cautious.

If he were his younger self, most of those who had been making noise would have been sent to the detention centres by now. To put it in a nutshell, Umno has lost power and it simply cannot accept the fact.

Kangkung: This government is nothing more than a circus. Mahathir, just don't ever ratify any international treaty as whatever treaty it will somehow affect "the monarch, Malay rights and the sanctity of Islam" in Bolehland.

First, it was the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd), and now the Rome Statute.

Bolehland is a joke. Live like the North Koreans, forever in a bubble.

Anonymas.1554452821073: Unless they intend to commit serious crimes against humanity, genocide or war crimes, I do not see why any country should be afraid of the Rome Statute.

And for Harapan to give in so easily, similarly to how they did with Icerd – “disappointed” is an understatement.

Clever Voter: This is illogical and emotional. This government does not understand the need to accept global standards on humanity and human rights.

The country will soon find itself alone, yet it wants to trade and build diplomacy. The government should not be cowed by threats, and focus instead on the opportunity to earn international standing and respect.

The world does not live on religion and race alone.

Fair and Unbiased: I am very quickly losing faith in the government, which is flip-flopping on policies and ignoring the promises made in the manifesto.

Most disappointingly though, we have a prime minister who has the potential to finally do something good for our country, but instead, is proving to be the same old, same old leopard who hasn't changed his spots.

Anonymous #13114320: I am shocked. Why did Malaysia accede to the Rome Statute, and then withdraw from it in such a short space of time (in four weeks)?

This leaves a very bad impression of the government frequently U-turning on decisions, just because it is worried some are being misled. How can Malaysia be an Asian tiger?

Jasmine: This is a good lesson in strategy and the art of war. The taming of the shrews will take time.

Mahathir’s second era is not as solid as it was in the 1980s, when he could catch the shrews by their tails and snip it too. A clever boxer knows that a step back helps throw a stronger knockout punch.

Not Giving Up on Hope: I have just heard the entire interview and I agree with it. Apologies for earlier blasting this decision.

I think Mahathir has a bigger agenda in mind and may he succeed in that. It is about time we took on the real 'ills' of our country heads on.

Asitis: If people are "easily misled by emotional feelings," you, as the government, with all the state apparatus, media, etc., should educate and clarify matters in order to clear up any "political confusion raised."

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