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Yoursay: Increased matriculation intake ‘politically correct’, not ‘win-win’

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘We’re actually increasing the number of lesser qualified students.’

Maszlee: Increased matriculation intake historic, win-win for all

Anonymous 770241447347646: The increased matriculation intake is not a win-win situation. It is only a win-win situation when all students who have achieved good marks are given a place in the course of their choice.

It’s been more than 60 years, and yet we are still struggling over the quota system for students. By now, the Education Ministry should have an idea of how many students are graduating from Form 5. They should prepare enough places for all students who achieve the required results.

When will we reach such a stage? If in 60 years the Education Ministry cannot come up with a solution, then another 60 years will pass by and there still be no solution in sight.

Where there is a will, there is a way. With such answers, it shows that there is no intention to solve the problem now or even in years to come.

Jianzhi: Come on, Education Minister Maszlee Malik. You know this is no “win-win” for all. This is just a “politically correct” policy.

You are actually increasing the number of lesser qualified students who will enter public universities. It simply does not make sense.

Bill Price: What this article simply states is that the number of seats for matriculation students has been increased overall. That's all.

If the number of seats for non-bumiputera students has risen then so has the number of seats for bumiputera students, otherwise how could the 90-10 quota be maintained, as the minister says it is.

This is an excellent example of numbers being used to cloud an issue and how 'spinning' a story is done.

Enlighten: Without increasing the public universities places by equal numbers, places for STPM graduates will be reduced by the same numbers since matriculation is easier and serves as a backdoor entry.

KhorSE: I never imagine the day that there will be an education minister who is glad to increase the students to matriculation and yet still maintain the 90:10 ratio.

And he sounded as if he had the perfect answer to the current situation. Maybe he has the secret to make Malaysia the best nation in the world - by keeping good students down whilst applying quota over merit.

Bravo, Mr Minister. More sub-standard students into the system.

Wira: Maszlee, why don't you call a spade a spade?

That the matriculation programme is of inferior standard to STPM is universal knowledge. One of the key reasons you find students fighting for a place in matriculation is because of the favourable rating the applicant gets to enter public universities, and into a course favoured by the applicant.

That's why we're getting unemployable graduates. The private sector knows who could and who should not make the employment grade.

This country had been thoroughly screwed and skewed by policies and programmes favouring the majority so much so that we can no longer measure standards correctly.

To everyone except the senior citizens, get out while you still can.

Anonymous 2449671483368245: Such ad-hoc decisions are not properly thought through before they are announced. They reflect badly on the Pakatan Harapan government.

How are the matriculation centres going to be suddenly expanded to cater to 40,000 students from the usual intake of 25,000? Are the classes going to be 60 percent bigger, or is there going to be a sudden increase in the number of lecturers and lecture halls?

Also, all matriculation students stay in hostels. So how are the hostel places going to increase by 60 percent at short notice?

Mahesan: Oversupply and mass production of half-baked graduates will not develop Malaysia.

We need thousands of semi-skilled operators, apprentices and on-the-job training for youngsters. We need to think about how to replace foreign workers in the country.

The demand is for semi-skilled people, not paper professionals.

Anonymous_1380619553: Indeed, what is the point of increasing matriculation intake without assessing industry needs to ensure our graduates are of good quality meeting these needs?

At the end of the day, we shall continue to face massive unemployment of these graduates. This is clearly not a solution.

Darmakochi: This “win-win” solution is a very temporary solution to appease everyone. It is a big blow towards raising the academic standards of future graduates. Even most of the present graduates are unemployable.

Seriously, you must think about how to raise the academic standards with quality instruction in all the public universities. Maszlee, please check the rot that started to take place a long time ago.

Clever Voter: Maszlee is not the person to lead education into the future. He needs to convince the country he has a plan. He needs to tell all that everyone who has the ability should have access to education.

That's the right of every single citizen irrespective of religion, race or gender.

KS: The best education for bumiputera students is one that toughens them for the real world and inculcates the idea of fair game into their minds. A 90-10 quota completely fails that.

Malaysian United: Make the non-Malay quota 20 percent. That will be an incremental rise, but it's a start.

Only then is this a meaningful historic victory. Only then will Harapan be seen as less racist than Umno-BN.

Harapan is so terrified of offending the voters who actually voted against them in GE14.

Save Our Currency: Raise the standard of entry into matriculation for all.

A minimum of As, say five for rural students or those from the B40 income group, and seven for the others. Forget the racial quota. Think quality.

P Ramlee: My niece scored all 10As (with 3A+) and a nephew scored 6A+, 3As and a B and they were both not accepted into the matriculation system and will start their Lower Six soon.

I wonder how they feel listening to our education minister.

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