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Yoursay: Trouble awaits if Islamic State returnees are let back in

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'They wanting to come home should be different from us welcoming them back.'

Police: 39 Malaysians detained in Syria want to come home

Vent: So, according to Bukit Aman Counter-Terrorism Division principal assistant director Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, the defeated Malaysian Islamic State jihadists detained in Syria want to come home – which they turned their bigoted backs on?

What can one expect, now that the chips are down and the IS ‘caliphate’ is merely a chimaera of that bearded satanic mahdi Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi?

But let's get the semantics out of the way first. They wanting to come home is quite a different kettle of fish from us wanting them back.

We don't need an opinion poll on that. Or do the police have a different take on the matter of these creatures bereft of souls missing the good life in our tanah air?

We are talking here of brutal beings who would have wounded, maimed, tortured and killed voluntarily and even raped, all in the name of a barbaric cause. And we are having a discussion here on them wanting to come back? What the heck?

Why would any responsible government want back citizens who left to fight on their own volition in a brutal war in a foreign land as radicalised members of a murderous movement of barbaric bigots?

What guarantee is there that our children may not be jihadist time bombs incubated as they were in Syria? Why would we want any of them back unless the police are testing the milk of the kindness of the ummah?

Ace: If these people were a group of self-professed communists who went to fight in Vietnam in the 1970s and wanted to return after the war, would the government allow them back?

Anonymous_1548751747110.29271548751096329: Even the remains of Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng can’t be brought back to Malaysia. How can we accept these terrorists and let them come back to our country?

Or does Putrajaya approve of and acknowledge these terrorists’ deeds as holy acts, making it ‘acceptable’ under the name of religion?

A civilian is not supposed to use firearms or ammunition to hurt or kill others under Malaysian law – for the latter, it’s a mandatory death sentence.

Are these terrorists coming back to face sentencing for their actions outside of Malaysia? Or are we practising double standards again?

Falcon: Are we really surprised by this open show of pure, unadulterated hypocrisy that has always been the bedrock of Malaysia? It’s part and parcel of that narrow and vulgar ketuanan optics.

Where others in civilised countries have banned the entry or revoked the citizenships of those who committed barbaric acts in the name of IS, we persist in our hypocrisy.

It looks like Malaysia, after our lip service to be part of the global fight against terrorism and saying that terrorists do not represent the faith, is confirming this by allowing the return of these terrorists.

Soon, a skilled and battle-tested army of deviants will be in back in the country. Malaysia will never be the same again.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr 2019: Please don’t allow these morons back. They don’t deserve to live in Malaysia, and will only waste taxpayer money when police have to monitor their movements. At best, we can allow them to withdraw their EPF, and be done with them.

Anonymous 1544340881: @ Grrrrrrrrrrrr 2019, You make an assumption that they have worked a single productive day in their lives to have EPF. I mean who would employ these nuts?

They probably studied in some half-baked religious school that taught them how to marry underage girls and tell syariah-compliant lies. I am not sure which industry we can match them with; after all, they have such ‘marketable skills’.

Another assumption is that the police would monitor them. I think, alas, some are too busy extorting ‘donations’ from refugees and migrants to be bothered about such ‘trivial’ issues like extremists running around.

I mean it’s not like they’re going to bomb mosques are they, just possibly temples and churches?

Ironically, Attorney-General Tommy Thomas’ presence at a conference on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court – which punishes genocide – was said to be bordering on treason by some Umno members.

But the real traitors who actually aided in genocide in Iraq and Syria and renounced their citizenship by pledging alliance to IS – an entity that seeks to destroy all nations that do not follow their ideology – want to be welcomed home (after logistics issues are settled) free of charge with a ‘pension plan’ to help them ‘reintegrate’ into society.

Not one Umno or PAS member has called these jihadists traitors, as far as I am aware. Welcome to the Malaysia Umno-BN left us after 60 years.

Clever Voter: The people who chose to fight for a so-called Islamic cause in Syria should have known that the trip was a one-way ticket.

These individuals were either misguided or possessed a strong belief in their cause. Whether they are influenced by peers or what they have read is something no one will ever know.

Thank goodness it's only a relative handful of them. They should face charges for the international offences committed in Syria. They have fought and probably killed their own Muslim brothers and sisters.

The depth and breadth of the atrocities reported are unthinkable. They have broken up families, inflicted pain on many innocent lives, and either witnessed or took part in violence, including the rape of many civilians.

No matter how humane one can be it's hard to forgive their crimes. They are members of an international terrorist organisation. The law of rule should ensure that they do not return but be tried overseas and pay for their crimes.

And still, not a single Umno member dares to accuse them of treason. It's also hypocrisy to watch the silence of so many over this. Far easier to accuse the attorney-general of treason over a Rome Statute matter.

Just because the terrorists are Muslims, it does not mean we can ignore the crimes they have committed. Call a spade a spade.

Anonymous19: We have to check which schools these terrorists went to before they left the country to fight shadows. Because there are likely to be thousands with similar inclinations for the authorities to worry about.

Sherlock: The children and wives of the men who died fighting for IS will require thorough evaluations before they are allowed to come back, otherwise, we would be importing terrible cancers into the country.

The safest decision is to let them remain in Syria, let President Bashar al-Assad decide on their fate. To bring them back will be unfair to millions of Malaysians, compared to being ‘unfair’ to 36 people who had chosen their destiny and are now regretting it.

Asokkumar: If these jihadists do come back, we have to keep them away from preacher Zakir Naik.

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