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Yoursay: It’s the Nazi-worshipping author who is the real ‘traitor’

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Harapan needs to address The Patriots editor’s call to murder innocents.’

Store drops books over author's call to kill 'Malay traitors'

Léon Moch: Thank you, Buku Fixi for dropping two of Helmi Effendy’s books. You did the right thing. But I can’t say the same about the authorities at the moment.

It would appear that the author did not only call for the killing of “Malay traitors” à la the Night of the Long Knives, but also violence against minorities by citing the Night of Broken Glass or Kristallnacht pogrom.

Dharma: Helmi references the Night of Broken Glass and the Night of the Long Knives. Helmi is clearly on the side of Adolf Hitler here.

It shows what kind of spirit enlivens Malaysia's right-wing.

Chokstone: Only a very weak government would let this type of Islamic State-style ‘heroes’ roam every corner of the nation, escalating the racial fanaticism to an all-time high with no deterrent at all.

Rentap Returns: So Helmi is free to make such inflammatory and seditious remarks, while slightly negative remarks about members of the royal family get prison time.

What a warped and illogical state of affairs.

Clever Voter: There will always be such characters in every corner of the Earth. But public interest and safety need to be given priority to prevent such malicious books from reaching and influencing gullible people.

There will always be opportunists waiting to take advantage using religion and race to serve their needs. It is not so much about fear of the author himself, but more that others like him will disturb the peace.

Demi Rakyat: Helmi is one of those imbeciles that, unfortunately, our country has quite a few of. He is neither patriotic nor a loyal Malaysian.

In fact, he is an example of a traitor, a penderhaka to Malaysia and all Malaysians.

Galaxy M: Only similarly brainless idiots will give two hoots about Helmi’s books. There are tons of good books in the library, and only fools would waste their money buying one written by this hack.

What are the police waiting for? They should swing into action. This author is too dangerous to be left to roam around and is definitely a security risk.

Roger 5201: Indeed, the Home Ministry really needs to look into this threat to execute Malays who apparently ‘betrayed’ their race and religion.

FerdTan: If no action is taken, this may lead to real incidents of violence. Don’t say we haven’t warned the police and the Pakatan Harapan government that inaction is not an option.

Vgeorgemy: This is full-fledged anti-Semitism here. The international community must declare Helmi as a flight risk due to his issues with minorities.

OMG!: @Vgeorgemy: This is not anti-Semitism. This is blatantly anti-Indian and Chinese Malaysians.

Indian and Chinese Malaysians are not a homogenous group like the Jews are, but if Helmi is calling for a Kristallnacht here, it means attacks on non-Malay establishments, followed by a purge of influential Malays who support co-existence with non-Malays.

It seems okay to advertise that you want to murder non-Malays or kill progressive Malays. Only if you say the opposite will the police wake up from their slumber and come for you.

Arresting Helmi would be a wake-up call for Malay right-wing forces. Perhaps this is what the police are afraid of?

Mano: In the wake of the recent riots in Indonesia after Joko Widodo’s presidential win, his chief of staff Moeldoko said this: “I have a strong belief that if democracy is not guarded by strong laws, constitutional instruments, then the tendency for anarchy is very high.”

Patriot denies link to 'The Patriots', urges police probe on author

Simple Truth: Helmi, who is also the editor-in-chief of the right-wing publication The Patriots, is an extremist for advocating the killing of “Malay traitors".

As Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan said, police need to interrogate him quickly. The Home Ministry should review the two books dropped by Buku Fixi and ban these, if necessary.

BA Baracus: This is another Anders Behring Breivik in the making here. Helmi is a sad, pathetic human being resorting to Nazi imagery to make up for his own inadequacies in an attempt to shock.

However, this cannot be ignored.

As much as we can laugh at local neo-Nazis – the ones featured in the infamous Vice documentary – for not realising that they are the of the wrong skin pigmentation, and for being unaware that they are worshipping the biggest losers in history (the Nazis), who were led by someone who shot himself in the head (Hitler), Helmi is not speaking to us.

Helmi is speaking to other feral youths of his intellectual calibre, all products of a failed education system that has left them ahistorical and amoral.

The same kind of near-illiterate people who would attend all those dumb rallies against the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) – without even feeling ashamed of not understanding what the treaty is actually about – they are Helmi’s target audience.

If they are so given to radicalisation, it won’t be long before parties like Umno and PAS nurture their own right-wing fascist militias – unless Harapan has the cojones to act quickly and decisively.

But of course, they won’t. There are votes to win.

Ian2003: This is precisely why any anti-hate speech laws will not work in Malaysia. It will only be used selectively to prosecute and persecute certain sections of society, and not others.

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