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Yoursay: An alleged instigator who claims he was 'incited'

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'It's time JMM chief Azwanddin and his ilk take responsibility for their action.'

Audience incited me to use alleged slur against minister, says Azwanddin

Malaysian Expatriate: Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) president Azwanddin Hamzah, you fail to realise that your position in society carries responsibility and together with it, integrity. So, bowing to copying emotionally filthy vocal outbursts of your supporters makes you a non-leader.

You belong to the supporter, crowd at best.

Steven Ong: Clearly, Azwanddin said he was doing what his supporters wanted and not what was best for Malaysia.

This is the plague that is slowly destroying whatever little harmony is left in Malaysia. It’s the same story for many leaders in Malaysia who can only survive politics by playing the racial game.

Abasir: The motorcycle thug who smashed the windscreen of a car that hooted at him and another road-hogging biker to give way received 12 months in the cooler. His defence was that he was incited by the hooting.

Azwanddin, who spends the better part of his waking hours inciting Malays/Muslims against non-Malays, also claimed that he was incited by the crowd to utter the offending word.

If justice is to be served, this man should receive at least the same sentence the biker thug received.

Drngsc: Firstly, he does not take responsibility for what he has said. And he blames the crowd for goading him? What a lame excuse.

Secondly, he seemed to imply that being of that race, and an office holder, he has qualified privilege to abuse his position.

What nonsense is this? The president of a ‘kangkung’ association can have the privilege to abuse ministers and other people? What sheer audacity and cockiness.

On that day, he was so brave, breathing fire and fury. Now he is behaving like a mouse, looking for any excuse to hide and escape.

Be a man, Azwanddin. You said it, you meant it, so stand up and accept the punishment.

Anonymous 283649438: Yes, it’s time Azwanddin and his ilk take responsibility for their actions.

'Derogatory word' - Minister claims NGO chief didn't verify, acted with malice

My Understanding: These people’s logic is out of the world. If you don't sue, they will continue to provoke and say all kinds of unkind things.

Actually, as a government minister, Waythamoorthy has no choice but to set the correct example to uphold the peace and law of the country. Hence, he has to sue Azwanddin.

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Are we to believe Azwanddin, who called the minister "p****h" in the heat of the moment, was merely repeating what the audience said?

I dread to imagine what would have happened if the audience had demanded Waythamoorthy's head. Going by his line of defence, he would have gone for the minister's head.

After year-long jail for ‘Abang Botak’, lawyer urges expanding community service

Vijay47: Being the victim of road-rage can be a terrifying experience; many motorists these days act as supreme rulers of the road and woe betide anyone who does not display sufficient respect and fear for them.

That said, I do not think lawyer Syahredzan Johan is playing down the seriousness of Danial Abdullah Tan’s offence. What he is suggesting is that the courts be granted some flexibility in imposing sentence on those guilty, and community service is an alternative he proposes.

Of course, there will never be consensus on this particular sentence of one year’s imprisonment – is it enough, too light, too heavy?

One almost fatal defect in the law is that the jail sentence is stipulated at a minimum of one year when a better limit would have been a maximum of five years with the minimum being left to the court’s judgment.

Anonymous_3b3a8291: Why is Danial even riding his motorcycle with his helmet in his hands when it should be on his head [see video]. He should be given another fine for that offence.

What is he doing on the right side of the lane in the first place? This should be another fine.

Pity the offender? Punish him severely and more will think twice before taking the law into their own hands.

Rick Teo: Yes, don’t pity such hooligans. They deserve the punishment. They need to serve time in prison so that it will be a deterrent for such road rage.

It has become so common for these hooligans to take the law into their own hands and such people need to learn their lesson in prison.

Well done to the police and the judge who meted out the sentence. Nip such offences in the bud before they become common behaviour.

Ipohcrite: While I support using community service as a correctional measure for wrongdoers, I don't agree that road bullies should be merely punished through community service.

These violent acts must be punished through a period of incarceration, although I would agree that in the case highlighted, a one-year jail term does seem excessive. Perhaps, a shorter jail term like a month might suffice.

Left Libertarian: The comments here are saddening. Have we become such a society lacking in empathy, redemption, and belief in second chances? The punishment is far too harsh. A fine would have been appropriate.

Look at the circumstances. No one was hurt. The only thing hurt was a windscreen. He is only 31. He has admitted wrong and shown remorse. Who among us has never had a momentary lapse of reason and felt angry on the road?

One year in prison for a windscreen is a tragedy. Imagine if he was your son. To make him spend one year in a cell for a broken windscreen is wrong, ethically and morally.

One year is a long time. The magistrate should have applied the fine allowed by law. I agreed with Syahredzan that the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) should be amended to allow for community service.

Sphzxcv: There are many road bullies like Danial on the road. Yes, the punishment may seem harsh, but if the message is not driven across to such people, they will continue to exhibit such behaviour on the road.

Such violent behaviour is not confined to motorcyclists alone. Even bus drivers and other motorists have displayed bully tactics on the road. The authorities must come down hard on such bullies to make our roads safer and prevent innocent people from getting killed.

Look at how well-behaved motorists are on Singapore roads. But when Singaporean drivers get on Malaysian roads, their behaviour changes. Why so? Simple, Singapore enforces the law strictly.

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