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Yoursay: 'Thanks Shukri, now we shall see if Latheefa can walk the talk'

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'It was Mohd Shukri Abdull's integrity that stood him apart from the rest.'

Mission accomplished – Shukri on quitting MACC

Ferdtan: Former MACC chief Mohd Shukri Abdull has done a good job in the short time of one year. But there is more to this than meets the eye with the sudden resignation of a short appointment contract.

There must be a serious problem between the government, the PM, and him. The cliché is “There is no smoke if there is no fire.”

We just hope the new chief, Latheefa Koya, will get the full support of all MACC officials to revamp the agency as one of the best anti-corruption institutions in Southeast Asia, if not Asia.

True Malaysian: Indeed, something fishy here. The Parliamentary Select Committee was not aware of Latheefa's appointment by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)? And Shukri resigned before his term ends.

What is going on with Pakatan Harapan? How can a political appointee head MACC? This is not right. Harapan has gone rogue.

Roger 5201: It was Shukri's integrity that stood him apart from the rest, his conviction to speak up when others were happy just to go along.

His conduct in the face of massive political headwind was impeccable and exemplary. Shukri should be remembered for his sacrifices and unmistakable stand in upholding integrity in the era of kleptocracy.

The Wakandan: There is only so much Shukri can do and the nation appreciates his service.

Perhaps it is time for another person with fresh ideas to take over because the way ahead may not be smooth, and it will need resilience, toughness, an astute, perspicacious and wily mind to navigate.

New blood is needed, preferably without any baggage a civil servant can be associated with.

Headhunter: With a new, reputable inspector-general of police (IGP), attorney-general (AG) and now Latheefa as MACC chief, three of the most important organisations are now under capable hands.

I think Mahathir is planning to go after the other big fish to clean up the government. Malaysians will give their full-hearted support to him and his Cabinet.

Anonymous 5237890145285379: Shukri, how can your mission be accomplished when the biggest corruption in Malaysia was never investigated?

The widely reported timber corruption in Sarawak by the former chief minister and now Governor Abdul Taib Mahmud? How does he allegedly accumulate his billions? Was the wealth taxed?

Oxymoronictendencies: There is certainly more to this than we are being told. Certainly, a surprising but great appointment which demonstrates the Harapan government is seriously bent on identifying and eliminating corruption.

Let’s hope Latheefa lives up to the uncompromising integrity of her reputation. And let’s hope early on that she trains MACC's sights on Taib Mahmud, Ku Nan (Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor) and Rosmah Mansor, all of whom warrant in-depth investigations and recovery of the billions reportedly amassed from corrupt dealings.

Xiaodidi: Yes, at least now we can see whether Latheefa can walk the talk.

DAP leader to Maszlee: Don't use family and PM to defend yourself

WSOI: If Bersatu leaders continue to think Malays deserve special privileges by lowering their entry qualification to university, there will be a bunch of government-dependent, non-competitive graduates.

The country will slow down further and a majority of Malays will remain in the B40 group. It goes for other races as well. Anyone who is not productive will be marginalised by the market.

For the past 60 years, the country suffered enormously due to an incompetent workforce. We used to be on par with South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of GDP and per capita income. Now we are far behind.

Now we are comparable with Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand. Without political and economic reforms, soon we will be comparable to Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Worse, the disparity between have and have-not will widen. The shared prosperity concept will fail even before it really starts.

Roger 5201: Education Minister Maszlee Malik is insensitive to the feelings of taxpaying Chinese parents who have to sacrifice their all to send their children to private schools, not because they are well-off but because of discriminatory racial quotas.

Who cares if he has Chinese relatives, especially when he does not understand the feelings of parents whose straight As children cannot make it to local universities while others with poorer results are offered places?

SV: Maszlee, just get on with the job of making our education great again.

We have been experimenting with our national education system for the wrong reasons. The result – private schools popping up, creating a social divide to top the race and religious divide.

Maszlee, teach our children the principle of inclusiveness. Education is not just to teach them how to make a living, but more importantly, how to live in a wonderful country like Malaysia.

F-22 Raptor: Yes, stop the racism in our education system. Racism is not stated in our Federal Constitution.

While special rights are in the constitution, it does not mean Malay Muslims can be racist in every aspect.

Annonnymous 080: Maszlee, I have cut a lot of slack for you, especially in the field of education.

Many of your predecessors have screwed it up, and it is near impossible to fix matters, but you screwed up on a grand scale.

Fikiran: Maszlee is simply not cut out to be the education minister. He doesn't have the intellect and the vision to make Malaysian education great again. 

Yoursay: Like it or not, MACC chief’s appointment SOP is an issue

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