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Yoursay: Whether it's old or new M'sia, gutter politics not going away

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Smear campaign after smear campaign. Sex sells, sodomy even more.'

I was in bed with minister, confesses man claiming to be in viral sex clip

Scoopy Doo: This is Bolehland politics, real gutter politics. Smear campaign after smear campaign. Sex sells, sodomy even more.

I blame Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad for this. He used it to get rid of his political opponents. Now, his blue-eyed boy (Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali) is facing the same thing.

Ever since Pakatan Harapan took over, many things have been lacklustre. People were generally unhappy with the lack of gumption to do what is right.

Mahathir should not have taken in those from Umno just to boost Bersatu. Now I hear he wants more to cross over. Umno has been known for its gutter politics. What did you expect?

Bert: Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, the private secretary to Primary Industries Deputy Minister Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, should be pulled up for questioning and suspended until the case is over.

This should not end up like the Anwar Ibrahim case. This must be thoroughly investigated from all aspects.

Kangkung: Doesn't it sound strange? Haziq claims to be the person in the video, but all he is interested in is that the minister is not fit to be a leader.

Since he has admitted to homosexual gay sex with someone, then he alone should be punished. The other person in the video could be anyone.

This person is only interested in bringing down a minister and nothing else.

Honma: Shamsul should have sacked Haziq immediately since he confessed he was the person caught on camera having sex with the so-called "minister".

Shamsul must lodge a report with the police and the religious department to investigate the matter since the culprit is his private secretary.

Anonymous 2327531438397239: Frankly, the video and Haziq’s confession are a well-prepared and rehearsed script.

The party or parties who have schemed, planted and filmed the video should be charged and punished.

If individuals and/or political parties are involved in this matter, it would be a criminal offence. Besides being charged, they should face jail terms and the political party involved should be banned for life.

Anonymous 5237890145285379: How nice. Every day in Malaysia, we read news like this.

The important news in Malaysia is so focused on sex, corruption, scandals, race, police brutality, kidnapped people, religion, royalty, political bickering, et cetera.

Not so much on issues like the country’s development, productivity, education policies, Orang Asli policy, racial harmony, environmental protection, housing policy, economic development, strengthening of government institutions, pollution, poverty, et cetera.

No wonder Malaysia is stuck in the pits. Crooked politicians feel so proud with wide smiles when their scandals are exposed; people involved in extramarital sex proudly declare they are the ones doing the sexual acts; henchmen try their best to raise one scandal after another as if they are contributing greatly to the country; hired writers pen all kinds of unsubstantiated claims; political friends and foes bicker with one another, et cetera.

I am sure foreigners would think we are all living in a cesspool when they read our news.

Anonymous 770241447347646: This is considered a heinous crime in our nation. Why confess so fast?

Any other individual would have denied it until there was no more room to move - and only then would they confess.

Personal reputation, family, and the prospect of being shunned by friends and society would put anybody in the position of fear.

The whole episode should be investigated, and thoroughly. Is there a political conspiracy or are they both guilty of such an act?

Anonymous_1547638541238.97951547637684420: If the act had taken place and there was corruption involved, these are legal issues and an investigation must be conducted immediately.

Whether a minister was framed or who the confessor is or why he exposed it is not relevant from a legal perspective.

Anony.1548748615957: The whole sordid affair smells of a set-up, and possibly an attempt to distract attention from more important matters affecting the development of the nation.

Why is this man so willing to confess and declare in a self-righteous tone: "I urge MACC to investigate [the minister] for corruption. He is not an individual who is qualified to be a leader”?

JDoe: So Haziq claims someone took the video without permission and goes on to say, that's me having sex in the video so please investigate the minister for corruption.

He does not call for an investigation into who took the video, or who circulated the video. This is the stupidest statement I have heard this year.

Anonymous_1538808416: This sex video made a lot of people question whether the clip is genuine or fake. Actually, there is another source to determine this - the hotel's CCTV.

The hotel will have CCTV installed in the corridors so one can tell who went into the room. The hotel also has records about who stays in which room, check-in and check-out dates and times.

Unless these records are destroyed, then something would be fishy.

Knock Knock: The obvious objective of this revelation is to get MACC to impede Mahathir's hand-picked senior minister and at the same time malign the present government under Mahathir.

This is the dirtiest kind of politics that Malaysia is well known for. Could it be tit for tat?

Beman: We should leave it to the experts to determine the authenticity of the video clip. There may be a remote possibility that it is real.

The more interesting question is: who is behind the release of such a video? I have no clue.

Behsaikong: Enough! The nation and its needs and challenges should be the focus. With regard to what individuals do outside of work hours, we should leave it to be dealt with by their parents, spouses and children.

Nothing should detract from the series of ongoing court trials involving the resources of our country. ‘Sleeping with’ the nation’s funds affects us much more. Maintain the focus.

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